I've been using their new platform for about 2 months and applied for the zero spreads promotion. I do quite a few trades a day. Unfortunately I received a call today from the trading desk (as did someone else I know) and we were both told that the way in which we trade is not in the spirit of the zero spreads promotion. I was told I was trading too quickly and that from now on when I open a position I have to keep it open for a minimum of 1 minute !!!
Well we all know that's not feasible in a fast moving market which I explained to the dealer, as a result all of my trades were from that pointed routed direct to a dealer for manual pricing instead of auto execution. I spoke with my account manager who said the same as the dealer. They have reinstated auto execute on my trades and kept zero spreads on the proviso I keep trades open for at least a minute.
Just thought that was worth sharing in the event that anyone is considering using this feature extensively. Obviously I'm now looking about again for an alternate provider, I opened a new account with another provider today and will see how they go.
Good luck.