Can you "move"/ offset an indicator on Sierra Charts?


Junior member

Does anybody know if you can offset an indicator (say a moving average) by a number of bars to the actual price, e.g if price bar number was 100 could you display the moving average's 100th "bar" @ say position 103 (to reflect a 3 bar offset).

Thanks in advance....
Hi John5000

I'm not sure if there's an easy way, to do it. Worse case scenario you can build you own indicator to do it, which shouldn't be too difficult.
Let me know if you want me to have a go at it.
Thanks ftse,

I had a feeling that might be the case! Just thought some bright spark might know an unknown tweak.

I should have no problems building the indicator, thanks for the offer though.
I imagine you've tried "Displace: The number of bars forward to shift the study".

Found in the moving average Settings window below Length. Won't accept negative values though.
Thanks Frugi,

Your imagination was way ahead of my perceptive qualities. Lightbulbs are going off here like nobodies business.. 😱