Hi guys,
I've was digging through my Trading folder and came across this gem which obviously I had saved and digested. It is a cut and paste from my Word doc so not sure how it will turn out.
To any new wannabee traders I would recommend digesting this post from some old masters.
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No problem Atilla.
Just remember, I am in the same boat as the majority.
I am not an expert at trading, but then again, there appears that they are few and far between, so I don't feel too much out of place
When I do my Expectancy sheet this week - probably near the end of the week as it is fairly busy at the moment, you will see that my current attempts at trading are not so good.
But, with the help of evaluating my of live trades, and with the introduction of One Time Framing technique, I do expect to see some improvement in my results.
At least I will now have a framework for evaluating where I am in relation to my development as a trader, along with a tried and tested technique that is used by many seasoned floor traders on the CME.
Remember, we do not have to re-invent the wheel, we just need to make sure that we fully understand why the wheel turns.
PS: If you never heard of One Time Framing - then you know what to do - start searching!
Originally Posted by Splitlink
What is the correct way to think, anyway? If we don't know that then we won't be able to do it.. I saw a film last night in which someone said " To do the correct thing is easy.. It is knowing what the correct thing is that is the problem."
I would disagree with the first sentence. Doing the correct thing is, also, very much, a problem, But the second sentence is very true and not all of us have the same opinion about what the correct thing is.
This is exactly why one must keep an open mind.
Remember, readers will be saying "what is in this for me", in other words what "value", if any, is there in this information.
When we talk about thinking correctly, what exactly are we talking about?
Are we talking about philosophical thinking, or thinking from a scientific viewpoint?
For me, it is very simple. If I read something, and I think that the information that I am reading is worth more investigation, then I will commit to further research.
Actually, this is how I am earning my living at the moment. When I find information that I consider to be of value, I will spend many hours researching this information in great detail until I understand the information to the best of my ability. I will then present a simplified version of what value this information can bring to the company I am working for.
Example, I read an article on Benchmarking and think, hey, this has merit and according to my understanding of the concepts this can greatly assist the company I am currently working for. I will then research the topic in great detail, buy some books on the subject, carry out numerous advanced searches on the Web, and finally produce as simple document that I can present to my customer for consideration.
The next step, following approval to proceed, will be to develop a plan.
S.M.A.R.T objectives will be used to produce a Plan.
The plan is the means by which we reach our desired objectives. It can be as complicated, or as simple, as we want to make it.
Plans can, and do, change, and I will go as far as saying that these changes are an absolute requirement in order to achieve the end results. Many things will have not been foreseen, as none of us posses all the knowledge that is available on any particular subject. We must be aware of the associated issues, risks and assumptions.
So, if you compare my real life experiences to that of trading, you will see that there are many similarities, In fact, I believe that everything we do in life is replicated in one form or another, over and over, and once we recognises this fact, it then becomes easier to learn How To Think Correctly!
Is anyone getting any value from my posts – or not?
Be honest, as honestly is always the best policy.
If not, or if you are not sure, then why not ASK questions as some do. You will find it very hard to acquire new knowledge unless you start asking questions.
I may not have the answer, and may actually not be able to answer any questions that I am asked, but if I consider the question to be relevant to what I am trying to achieve, then I will commit to do further research in relation to the question asked. I will always tell the truth in relation to the subject matter in question – for to not recognise the truth is only to fool oneself, and this results in nothing but time wasting – which is a major problem in this day and age, especially with the use of the WWW.
Remember the approach that Socrates took – his greatest realisation was that he actually knew nothing. Of course he knew something, something that the majority had not discovered, but he was wise enough to know that been humble is one of the greatest virtues that man can possess. We are fortunate that mankind has advanced to the stage that we shall probably not be executed for expressing our opinions – well, for the most part that is, so we really do not have anything to fear, but ourselves!
By the way – I think that all people who contribute to the posts are well on their way to learning what is required in order to achieve consistent profits in the markets. The degree to which the posting will benefit the end result, will be in direct proportion to the effort expended in relation to the subject matter in question. I do not expect, and nor should anyone else for that matter, expect to get all the answers from the posts. But it is the act of doing that produces results – no gain without the pain, so as to speak.
Originally Posted by SOCRATES
Yes expectancy is the key and not belief.
The accuracy of this expectancy increases with knowledge and practice.
Therefore to expect with an overwhelming degree of certainty is the ideal, and to have it verified consistently is the proof you need.
Now, this is exactly what I mean when I say that ASKING a question can lead to information of some REAL value!
It is up to the individual to interpret the information for what it is worth - if you see no value in the information, then ask yourself, why?
What are others seeing that I am not seeing?
There is only one way to find out, and that is to do some work. Start searching the WWW - a tip for searching to save some time - use the "Advanced Search" facility in Google, and only search for files that are File Types with "type pdf". When you find a site that has a good article, the limit your search further to only search this website for additional material. This will help you avoid the many "sellers" who push out rubbish information that is only compiled for one purpose, to make money. Try other things as you learn to search mor selectively, and you will be surprised at what you might discover
Atilla, take note of Socrates post above where he mentions the word "Expectancy".
At first, this word may not seem that important, and the context in which Socrates uses it may not be the same as I am going to use, but watch what is going to happen now.
It just so happens, that I consider a full understanding of "System Expectancy" to be the one of the main contributors to consistent profitable trading.
Why is that so?
Well, in the first instance you must know where you are in relation to your development as a consistent profitable trader. How do you go about this?
The most logical way, is to look at your results, as your results are who you are, and who you are is what you really need to know.
It just so happens that I raised this point in another thread recently as follows:
As a follow up to this, because I think that this subject is so important, I suggested that we start a new thread just to discuss this topic. When I done a search, prior to starting the new thread, I discovered that there was already one started some years ago.
I noted that I will ask the moderator to copy the relevant post over to the existing thread to continue the discussion, and I will now do this today.
So, do you think that by asking a question you have now gained a new insight into how to develop your trading skills - I think so anyway, but it it is entirely up to you, and your way of thinking, that will determine how much value is in the information.
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My sincere thanks