Can i get any cheaper than $4.50RT including all fees?


Established member
Hi i trade futures, mainly er2 and just started trading the dax. My question is can i get a better deal than $4.50 round turn, including all fees, that im currently paying. Im using Mirus Futures as my broker, they are based in the US. Is there any brokers here in the uk that can do better? Please bear in mind i use ninja trader with zen fire data feed, so broker would have to be compatible with this software.

many thanks and any input really appreicated,

what sort of volume are you doing? fee's are 100% negotiable, but your biggest negotiating stick is how many RT's a month you do.
lower commission

jayjay121 said:
Hi i trade futures, mainly er2 and just started trading the dax. My question is can i get a better deal than $4.50 round turn, including all fees, that im currently paying. Im using Mirus Futures as my broker, they are based in the US. Is there any brokers here in the uk that can do better? Please bear in mind i use ninja trader with zen fire data feed, so broker would have to be compatible with this software.

many thanks and any input really appreicated,


Call me i think i can Help 312-756-6418

Ian Williams
Advantage Futures
chicago Il
Is less more?

It has been my experience that saving a dollar on a commission may cost you a lot more in slippage (not as good fills) which depending on the instrument trading can be from $5.00 to $12.50 or more per tick. Also, if you have ever experienced a power failure, or data feed failure while you are in a trade, having a broker that answers the phone fast and get you out of the trade, can save you thousands. Be careful on very low cost brokers. Yes, I use Mirus and also use another broker for some of my trading, but Mirus has been fantastic for my day trading. I have had to call them a couple times on emergencies and they were always there and willing to help.. Saved my back side.

Just something to think about.

Happy trades.

i'm not sure how the rate you pay per transaction will change the slippage you experience on a marketable order with electronic markets?

I think the zip code gives it away (doesn't it, Bramble?).

I have been with more than one broker. All I am saying is that I have experienced a much faster data feed and seem to be getting better market fills on my emini orders with Mirus, and I know they answer their phones quickly, which can be pretty important.

I am currently in the UK, apartment located in Manchester town centre, and office in Stockport, but only trading US stocks and futures,, it may be different trading the EUR markets.