Call for beta testers


Junior member
I run an incubator technology fund - we've helped develop a prototype technology called Vigil - which is a real-time, alert system for traders - which maps clusters of individuals, describing unforeseen events, using Geolocation information in Tweets

in other words - “social sensors” (people who are Tweeting, or using Facebook / YouTube etc) sometimes talk about unforeseen events (terrorist attacks, earthquakes, political upsets, traffic jams, freak weather, riots, events involving public figures) earlier than traditional news organisations, a phenomena that we think it might be possible to exploit for trading advantage.

We need professional traders to help us beta test it - more about the platform here - Vigil - Call for beta testers - if anyone would like to know more about it - please feel free to post or email me directly

I think you may have the wrong end of the stick if you think anyone is going to beta test AND pay you !!

Back in the days before the world went barmy one used to get paid for doing work !!


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in other words - “social sensors” (people who are Tweeting, or using Facebook / YouTube etc) sometimes talk about unforeseen events (terrorist attacks, earthquakes, political upsets, traffic jams, freak weather, riots, events involving public figures) earlier than traditional news organisations, a phenomena that we think it might be possible to exploit for trading advantage.

Are you aware of the term "reliable source of information?". Why do you think that Tweets and social media in general are a reliable source of information? Are you aware that positions in the markets are established before the events take place? Would you believe 100 tweets coming from India that Pakistan was launched a war against them? This is what some pranksters may do to naive information processors like you when they find out they use such systems.

One of the fundamental premises of trading is never to act based on unverified information. By the time the information if verified, it loses its value because those that verify it sell it through private channels.

I'm wasting my time telling you all these to save you time and money. You should thank me. I am expecting that.