Buying shares on a loan

Yeah I'm young - 21. Debt's aren't a massive issue. Maybe 2-3 pay checks until completely cleared.

I see theres some posts from people saying be prepared to lose 100% of your investment. Whilst that situation is possible I consider it highly unlikely as I'll be setting a minimum bail out should things take a turn for the worse and I need to do damage control.

I'm looking at a short term ish investment for the moment. Next week I'm finalising some things and I'll of course update on my decision. Some of you have greater levels of acceptable risk. Its still interesting to see the views of others here.

Trading is hard enough without the added pressure of trading money that isn't actually yours. Taking out a loan when your already in debt to trade with on what you see as get rich quick trade then your just gambling your money. With out proper money management rules in place you might get lucky but then again you might not.

I know this is not what you want to hear you are taking a gamble. Trading is about making a living not making a killing if you want to gamble 3k on a credit card then go to Vegas put a few quid on the tables and have some fun at least you will have some fun and free drinks.