Best Thread Bund Bobl and Schatz Thread

See anything out there today that you think looks good in bund bobl schatz? Its chopping me up today!
Me too, ok I'm on the sim, but it's tough.

What about correlation between bund, bobl and schatz? Is always one contract leading?

I saw the bund breaking out of a small congestion to the upside, but bobl and schatz stayed in their range and did nothing...

See anything out there today that you think looks good in bund bobl schatz? Its chopping me up today!
bund imo usually always leads. It can be a great indicator when tradin the schatz. The bobl is just weird. It kinda trades on its own most of the time. The bund also will usually move much more than the bobl or schatz. You can use this as an advantage by this example. Say bund is rallying hard but schatz is not, based on this you can be pretty sure that the bund rally will not be sustained.

I think one of the big locals got short a whole bunch of schatz around 105.045 How many tick do they usually try to go for?
depends on the market really. they push all the time until they find pressure from other big guys. in the bund they have power to move it for 30 ticks easy. they cant do it on their own though they need the locals and some other big guys to step in. so what they do is to test each side to see where the paper is gonna jump in and then exaggerate the move. today is an exception bull**** trading all upticks a sell till now. u can tell its a bull**** uptick cause the prices dont receive any pressure just go bid like peanuts. thats one was to realise he is doing a bull**** uptick in order to sell. i mean u see the red candles they twice the body of the buying candles. nothing before cpi although i kind of believe he is positioned short speculating for a high figure. could be wrong of course
yeah that is what seemed to be the case. He kept the bund upticking just enough to keep the bids firm in the schatz and was selling into it the whole time. He probably got 5-10k shorts off at that level in schatz!
5k lot bid on the schatz lows. Lots of guys leaning on that size and if we can break through that I think locals puke and we go drastically lower!
no that was boring. watch for a fast move to new lows if that doesnt happen its all about US cpi
At the moment I see plus 5000 on the ask of the schatz at 105.000.

Is this something you guys trade off? Leaning on size...

Edit: Ok, this 'wall' was broken this moment.

Edit: Sorry guy, meant bid of course - and just saw that buy 'em mentioned it before...
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Like I thought earlier big locals loaded up the boat full of shorts on the schatz around 045. They were trying to push the market lower and all of a sudden we came up on a huge bid that was genuine. Locals tried to lean on it for a quick scalp but paper hit that bid hard and offered another 2,000 on top of that! Locals puked their longs and the market fell through the floor!

God I love this game!
guys its one guy and he is short as i told u. he is using shatz to move bunds. same with bobls all the big bids-offers flipping. dont lean on size
I know what you mean man and I want to thank you for giving me the knowledge to know how to take advantage of it!