Bull or Bear Pimary Trend?

Currently long from last Monday. Think market is in a range though with neither bulls or bears prevailing.
Looks like I was lucky to remain bullish. FSTE100 30WMA is now rising and if we can break the left shoulder from January of 5601 then that would be quite bullish, along with UK double dip fear waning quite a bit...
I'm going to revise what I said:

Equities: Volume on NYSE are very low even though volumes on ES and main SP contracts are normal so that tells me that index futures activity is speculative rather than based upon fundamentals meaning there's a bubble there to be burst.

Treasuries: Yields on 10yr are rising again telling me money is moving out of USD treasuries.

Gold: Carrying on up

USD/JPY: Carrying on down, money moving into Yen. Risk distribution against EUR and USD.

News: Optimistic.


Nothing like changing your mind.
Looks like I was lucky to remain bullish. FSTE100 30WMA is now rising and if we can break the left shoulder from January of 5601 then that would be quite bullish, along with UK double dip fear waning quite a bit...

For clarity you asked ,I believe, Bull or bear Primary trend. I answered it isn't equties and although unsaid it implied it was govt bonds. Bear in mind (excuse the pun) I said nothing about trading that 😉

My current view has been and remains as at close today that the safe haven govt bond trade has actually been overdone and created a space of opportunity for higher risk assets to run further. In other words I'm long the current rally on risk and as at this moment I see no reason to change my mind on that.