Hi Eto,
Tradingsolutions basically similar like NeuroshellTrader, in order you can create a dll indicator you should have another product called Neurosolutions. You should have Tradingsolution daytrader/realtime suite. In addition, the dll will only applicable for tradingsolutions not for others.
If you want to have dll and want to use it for MT4 for example, you should have Customs solution wizard(CSW) in Neurosolutions to generate C code or Neurosolutions Developer level.
I did simple way to create dll indicator for MT4 using Neuroshell2, less complicated even only with 16 nets compare to Neurosolutions+CSW which has many net topologies you can play with.
Regarding CH, yes CH possible to find any equation even for repaint indicator in static mode, means the CH can only find input and output relation in csv format for the historical data. But you can not use CH to find the formula if historical data are change all the time, in addition you can get difficulties to present this change in historical data into csv file anytime.
Hi Pat,
I have a minimum knowledge in MT4, since previously I used it for my trading platform. If you will use MT4 as your trading platform, you should learn how to program in mq4. My advice, use the this book http://www.mql4.com/files/mql4bookenglish.chm , user guide and help available on MT4 editor.
Recently, there are so many indicators MT4 in mq4 available in the web, learning from their code will help you get better knowledge. In addition, if you want to make a dll indicator you should have knowledge about programming, you may choose C, VB, etc. I had small effort in generating dll indicator for MT4 using Neuroshell2, since it can produce the C code directly from trained net then I compile it.
Tradingsolutions basically similar like NeuroshellTrader, in order you can create a dll indicator you should have another product called Neurosolutions. You should have Tradingsolution daytrader/realtime suite. In addition, the dll will only applicable for tradingsolutions not for others.
If you want to have dll and want to use it for MT4 for example, you should have Customs solution wizard(CSW) in Neurosolutions to generate C code or Neurosolutions Developer level.
I did simple way to create dll indicator for MT4 using Neuroshell2, less complicated even only with 16 nets compare to Neurosolutions+CSW which has many net topologies you can play with.
Regarding CH, yes CH possible to find any equation even for repaint indicator in static mode, means the CH can only find input and output relation in csv format for the historical data. But you can not use CH to find the formula if historical data are change all the time, in addition you can get difficulties to present this change in historical data into csv file anytime.
Hi Pat,
I have a minimum knowledge in MT4, since previously I used it for my trading platform. If you will use MT4 as your trading platform, you should learn how to program in mq4. My advice, use the this book http://www.mql4.com/files/mql4bookenglish.chm , user guide and help available on MT4 editor.
Recently, there are so many indicators MT4 in mq4 available in the web, learning from their code will help you get better knowledge. In addition, if you want to make a dll indicator you should have knowledge about programming, you may choose C, VB, etc. I had small effort in generating dll indicator for MT4 using Neuroshell2, since it can produce the C code directly from trained net then I compile it.