Brokers Up/Downgrades

I receive a daily email called "The StockMarket Reporter" and I have just taken a sample of the up/downgrades that have been published by brokers. There seems to be a correlation between these and price movement. The ones I checked were in the right direction i.e Upgrades price goes up and vica versa. Does anyone know an alternative public viewing website where I can get these from as I don't want to rely on the emails arriving for ever.

Sorry I don't know where you can get this type of information but remember 2 things about upgrades/downgrades.

1. They're nothing more than a marketing ploy to generate business
2. If they are going to have a major effect on price then people at the bottom of the investment foodchain will be the last to hear about them, ie by the time it's news, the move has already happened. Of course though there are always exceptions to the rule.
I appreciate what you are saying, however, I have just checked 20 recommendations and all bar a couple have produced a reasonable profit in the right direction. I do use other entry signals which at the moment aren't nearly as accurate, and this is just another idea I want to follow in the short term. I am not, I hope, a slave to anything other than good money management to get me in with the correct position size and to get me out quickly when its all gone pear shape.
You may be interested in this site I have just found - - unfortunately its USA. Its free for 2 weeks.