Broker with Daily Binary Option on the S&P 500

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I'm looking for a broker which allows daily binary option (touch, no touch) on the S&P 500 in addition to trading this index.
I would prefer a US based one, if there is any...

I've checked Ameritrade and ETrade, but I don't think they offer binary options.

Can you recommend such a broker?

IGmarkets offer such binaries and allows trading
however binaries only offer value during news releases imho iff u have a realtime news provider
i would recommend what i prefer for myself. i have been with many brokers in pat years but i found Banc De Binary the best broker among the industry. Banc De Binary provide all the facilities with very low cost and the quality of these facilities are out of this world. i wouldn't say anything more about Banc De Binary except that you don't have to look anywhere else other than Banc De Binary.
i would recommend what i prefer for myself. i have been with many brokers in pat years but i found Banc De Binary the best broker among the industry. Banc De Binary provide all the facilities with very low cost and the quality of these facilities are out of this world. i wouldn't say anything more about Banc De Binary except that you don't have to look anywhere else other than Banc De Binary.

bank de binary? oh these guys?

Why does Banc de Binary Suck in 50 words

Is Banc De Binary a Scam ? Beware - Read this BBinary Scam Review

see also in the comments.

There was a video on You Tube of a man named Viktor who said he made over 1400% on his account. He posted the full e-mail chain from Banc DeBinary telling him they would not give him his account ballance due to violating some insider trading rules. I contactacted them and they claimed to never have heard of Viktor or of this ever happening. Right after that the video was pulled off You Tube. I don’t believe this was a false claim since he had all the e-mails with the peoples names. It was enough to make me not open an account with them
I have done a thorough research on different binary options broker and found Banc De Binary to be the best among every one. There are many reviews which put Banc De Binary on the top of other brokers. Banc De Binary was even awarded as the most secure broker in 2011. I recommend you should visit to get the idea. I am using Banc De Binary as my brokers and i am very happy with them . 🙂
I have done a thorough research on different binary options broker and found Banc De Binary to be the best among every one. There are many reviews which put Banc De Binary on the top of other brokers. Banc De Binary was even awarded as the most secure broker in 2011. I recommend you should visit to get the idea. I am using Banc De Binary as my brokers and i am very happy with them . 🙂

Is Bank de Binary a scam, in a word, YES. I say that from my personal experiences dealing with this organisation, but I am one of the lucky ones. I only got scammed for $100 and it was my fault because I did not do full due diligence on them. I will detail what has happened to me since I heard of this company:

First of all, I received an e-mail from one of their affiliates that looked very interesting and I decided to investigate it but all I actually did was to check on the Moneybookers site where they do have an icon saying deposit to Bank de Binary using the Moneybookers payment method. As I believed that Moneybookers would not be deliberately promoting a scam site I assumed from that point on that Bank de Binary was legitimate.

Because the affiliate promotion page said that even though the company requires a $500 start-up deposit he had arranged for new clients to start with $100 so I did. I deposited $100 on 29 March 2012 and began trading and for the first day I lost money using the system the affiliate said to use. After I had lost some money I decided to ignore the affiliate advice and to use my own knowledge to place my wagers. I started winning and promptly pushed my balance back over $100 late on March 30.

I logged off for a few hours and then came back and found out I could not log back into my account, I got an online customer service person who told me my account was suspended until I paid another $400 into it. I explained about what the affiliate had been telling us in regards the $100 deposit, I was told this information was wrong and that until I gave them another $400 I could not use their trading platform. At this time I requested they refund my $100. I was told I would have to provide a whole stack of personal information, including photocopies of my passport and drivers license, which I did less than one hour after they requested what they said was the 'required' information. Remember, this was a requested REFUND, not a cash withdrawal.

A couple of hours after I sent them the information they demanded, I received an e-mail stating that a ticket had been opened by the disputes department and they requested I give them one day to action the ticket. When I have not heard from them by 5 April I sent an e-mail requesting an update, no reply was received. On April 10 I sent another e-mail again requesting an update and got the same e-mail I'd received on March 30, stating that the disputes department had opened a ticket. The ticket had exactly the same reference as the previous ticket again with the same request to give them one day.

Today is 1 May 2012, and since they requested one day to action by refund I have received one spam e-mail from them but I have not received a refund, I guess I never will either.

There are other things that happened in my dealings with this company like being on live chat and just having the chat person I was talking to cancel the chat but I didn't take screenshots so I have no proof, and I must admit the last time I was talking to a live chat person at the point where I realised I was wasting my time, I was rude and hung up on them without warning.

I guess my biggest disappointment in this whole sorry saga is the involvement of Moneybookers. I don't deal with PayPal anymore because I don't like their business methods and ethics and was hoping that Moneybookers would restore my faith in online payment processors.

I'm looking for a broker which allows daily binary option (touch, no touch) on the S&P 500 in addition to trading this index.
I would prefer a US based one, if there is any...

I've checked Ameritrade and ETrade, but I don't think they offer binary options.

Can you recommend such a broker?


you should call , and they free

I'm looking for a broker which allows daily binary option (touch, no touch) on the S&P 500 in addition to trading this index.
I would prefer a US based one, if there is any...

I've checked Ameritrade and ETrade, but I don't think they offer binary options.

Can you recommend such a broker?


you should call , and they are free