Broker research

...former sell sider

If you are on a budget then consider the following:

StockFinder 5 for technical scans and fundamental momentum summaries. They source actuals from Morningstar and estimates from Zacks. You can reference Morningstar, S&P (via broker), Value Line and Zacks for fundamental summaries. Yahoo and Google for useful for headline scans. Ransquawk provides real time macro coverage, whereas flyonthewall and offer realtime headlines, chatter, and non-public event schedules such as conferences, roadshows, etc. for individual equities.

But you really should focus on proper technical alignment with these resources in the background to recognize fundamental catalysts that confirm or complicate the chart in your timeframe of trade.
Reuters offer a research subscription for around 150/month. The largest brokers dont contribute w/o prior approval but there are 1300 or so others who do (it is also real-time).

Also found these guys ARN Daily Premium but they are US only. At least it is timely, bit of a crummy website though