Broker hardware problems


Hi, I am with a broker that has done an upgrade and changed servers. I have never had any issues till the upgrade and the first night after the upgrade I could not cancel my trades in ninja trader and had to call them up and even they had issues getting me out with a market order.I emailed them and got the same text book excuse (trading involves risks blah bah). The next night when i started my trading platform it showed an active market order, I had no strategies running and did not place the trade. Again I had to call them to get me out and disable my account the desk attendant said I showed active on 2 servers?? Up to now they have not come back to me 24 hours later saying they are investigating or confirmation my account is disabled. When I received my account i was again $2900 down and the previous night $1000. I am changing brokers, how do a small trader get a broker firms attention as I think the whole issue could have been prevented or at least after the first report of problems they should have disabled my account and investigated. I am a small trader that can not afford lawyers, I am changing brokers but I am just thinking if I do not complain and tak eit further how many others had the same issus like me and they are getting off scott free.? Am I better off cutting my losses and move on?
Any advise appreciated