Broadband speed and MT4


Junior member
Just curious how a difference in internet speed will affect the usability of the MT4 platform.

At my old property the average speed was about 5.5 mb/s, here where I am renting it is about 6.5 mb/s but where I am possibly moving to the speed is predicted to be 3.5 mb/s.
So I am a bit concerned

Can you please take this test and let me know what result you get. - The Global Broadband Speed Test
Shouldn't be an issue unless you are a high speed scalper. You would need a very low ping rate. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

Thanks a lot for doing the test pete.

You seem to be getting really fast speeds.

Mine here is Ping 76 download speed 6.34 upload speed 0.31
But it will be worse in my new place.
I`ve been trading on mt4 for years with a download speed of 2.4 mb (wow)--my old place was 9 mb makes no difference to me ---we`re an advanced nation don`t you know 🙂