Broadband Incompatible Help

The Beyonder

Active member

I need some assistance pls.

I've applied to Pipex to get broadband but they replied saying I've got an incompatible service but not saying what it is.

When I contact BT they say everything's fine even though i explain the set-up I have below.

So now I'm going round in circles 😕

What I've got in my house is two phones, one in the hall the other in the kitchen but they have the same number, so when someone dials, both phones ring. Is that the problem??

Help appreciated pls. Thx
The Beyonder said:

I need some assistance pls.

I've applied to Pipex to get broadband but they replied saying I've got an incompatible service but not saying what it is.

When I contact BT they say everything's fine even though i explain the set-up I have below.

So now I'm going round in circles 😕

What I've got in my house is two phones, one in the hall the other in the kitchen but they have the same number, so when someone dials, both phones ring. Is that the problem??

Help appreciated pls. Thx

Shouldn't be a problem, wouldn't pipex though, I use Bulldog

Bottom right hand corner you can check your line.

Can't really advise on the Pipex problem, presumably you've checked your number is on an enabled exchange? Do you need / have a BT line for Pipex?

Should be no problem having 2 phones, but you'll need filters on both. Do both phones have the plug-in sockets?

Lots of (impartial?) advice here:

My bro uses Pipex broadband and has been happy with their service. Is there any way you can find out what this "incompatiblity" is from Pipex Technical Help?

Do you have the BT call waiting service enabled? Or their 1571 answerphone thing? I can't see why these services would pose a problem with Pipex broadband though, as they still have to use the BT phone backbone.

Do you use a company like OneTel or similar to make cheaper voice calls? Perhaps the way they route the calls is incompatible with Pipex broadband.

Sorry, I can't be more definite with this problem.
Strange that Pipex can't tell you more 😕 Use someone who'll look after you 😉
The Beyonder said:

I need some assistance pls.

I've applied to Pipex to get broadband but they replied saying I've got an incompatible service but not saying what it is.

When I contact BT they say everything's fine even though i explain the set-up I have below.

So now I'm going round in circles 😕

What I've got in my house is two phones, one in the hall the other in the kitchen but they have the same number, so when someone dials, both phones ring. Is that the problem??

Help appreciated pls. Thx

All sounds rather odd, though I don't know anything about Pipex, have you tried any other bradband provididers?
Having 2 phones is no issue, from what you have described these are merely extensions, I have 5 extensions, causes me no problems. The broadband will be routed through the main phone point, ormaster socket, BT will provide a filter socket for this which basically consists of a face plate with the 2 sockets, one for PC and one for phone. Your line will then be filtered at this point and you will not require any other filters. If Pipex are unwilling to provide you with reasoning choose another provider.
Hi Guys

Thx for your answers.
I spent some time yesterday speaking to Pipex and BT. I've ascertained that something is happening tomorrow, an order going through to convert my phone line over to broadband so not sure what the original problem was, if there ever was one.

Anyhow, I'm still suspicious and won't believe it totally until I'm up and running.

A wise idea Beyonder, I had many problems getting connected initially and a skeptical approach saved much annoyance. As a matter of interest how far are you from your local exchange?