

Active member
I'm going to broadband and have info. overload.
I see Tesco has entered the fray at £20 per month with one or two goodies thrown in and no limits.
I know that their dial up is pants but wondered who their BB operator is.
Wanado look quite reasonable at £18 pm but with a 2gig. monthly limit.
Bulldog are offering amazing speed with their new product plus free national and local 'phone calls all for £40pm but everyone I've spoken to has said they are rubbish.
I'd be inclined to use bt yahoo.
At £27pm including a lot of things I don't want they seem expensive. However, I've used their dial up for some time, have only once needed to get a tech. problem sorted and it was fixed by a very nice Indian gentleman in 5 minutes flat.
They, however, also have download limits.
It's enough to give me the vapours 😕
Advice from personal experience please, in a plain brown wrapper.
Hi axthree

Have a look at

some broadband ISP's tie customers to a 12 month contract, while others let you cancel at a months notice.

According to the tiscali employee that i spoke to over the phone, tiscali have just or are about to revamp their packages. 1mb broadband with a 2ghz downlad and upload limit for £15.99 per month. If you run over the 2ghz limit - you are simply charged an extra £1.50 for each 1ghz extra allowance that you run into. This sounds like a fair system to me.


I use BT Broadband (without the yahoo bit) for £25/month. I've had absolutely no problems with them. Yes they do have download limits but it is something quite ridiculous - I am online 14 hours a day downloading realtime charts as well as general surfing/downloads and haven't got close to the limit.
Nildram - 3 years with no problems for me. £23pcm. Consistent good scores at adslguide.
Do people recommend having normal broadband (50/1 contention ratio) or business broadband (20/1 contention ratio) for day-trading? Is a 50/1 contention ratio sufficient for the job? How much of an issue are contention ratios with regard to broadband performance?



freedom2surf has always seemed to have good reviews on this website. An added bonus is that the contracts are monthly.

One slight downside is that they predominantly charge an activation fee, and the modems also need to be payed for.


Thanks very much for all your input.
I shall now have a quick cog. and make my selection.
axthree - I also use btbroadband, mainly 'cos they waived the balance of the remainder of the 2 yr contract they made me sign for ISDN! But it has worked fine, and my IT Manager (son) reckons it is faster than the Eclipse BB they use in London, maybe 'cos there are so few users on our exchange.

If you have more than one pc, or a laptop, you may want to consider getting a wireless set up so you can use your laptop anywhere in the house, using the printer networked to your main PC and sharing files etc. Very useful in practice when more than one person wants to use the net at any one time.
I use wanadoo 512k with 6GB limit for £22.99 works well for normal trading surfing you won't use this limit, i have bloomberg streaming onto my pc throughout the day and still don't top this level. If you are into p2p filesharing then you may want to look at the limits more closely. Also worth considering Tesco use some sort of different type of brosdband, can't remember what it is called but I'm sure someone like JonnyT will know the pro's and cons of its type. Google Tesco broadband when i did there were quite a lot of unhappy people.
Hope this helps
hi ax,

my brother uses force 9 ( and he says it's good. they have several packages, there's no limit but i think you have to pay for modem/installation. it's about £20 plus modem etc.
axthree said:
I'm going to broadband and have info. overload.
I see Tesco has entered the fray at £20 per month with one or two goodies thrown in and no limits.
I know that their dial up is pants

I use their (Tesco) ISDN connection and it's been excellent
Can't get broadband yet
roguetrader said:
I use wanadoo 512k with 6GB limit for £22.99 works well for normal trading surfing you won't use this limit, i have bloomberg streaming onto my pc throughout the day and still don't top this level. If you are into p2p filesharing then you may want to look at the limits more closely. Also worth considering Tesco use some sort of different type of brosdband, can't remember what it is called but I'm sure someone like JonnyT will know the pro's and cons of its type. Google Tesco broadband when i did there were quite a lot of unhappy people.
Hope this helps

😱 Glad I looked. Thanks for the heads up.