I'm going to broadband and have info. overload.
I see Tesco has entered the fray at £20 per month with one or two goodies thrown in and no limits.
I know that their dial up is pants but wondered who their BB operator is.
Wanado look quite reasonable at £18 pm but with a 2gig. monthly limit.
Bulldog are offering amazing speed with their new product plus free national and local 'phone calls all for £40pm but everyone I've spoken to has said they are rubbish.
I'd be inclined to use bt yahoo.
At £27pm including a lot of things I don't want they seem expensive. However, I've used their dial up for some time, have only once needed to get a tech. problem sorted and it was fixed by a very nice Indian gentleman in 5 minutes flat.
They, however, also have download limits.
It's enough to give me the vapours 😕
Advice from personal experience please, in a plain brown wrapper.
I see Tesco has entered the fray at £20 per month with one or two goodies thrown in and no limits.
I know that their dial up is pants but wondered who their BB operator is.
Wanado look quite reasonable at £18 pm but with a 2gig. monthly limit.
Bulldog are offering amazing speed with their new product plus free national and local 'phone calls all for £40pm but everyone I've spoken to has said they are rubbish.
I'd be inclined to use bt yahoo.
At £27pm including a lot of things I don't want they seem expensive. However, I've used their dial up for some time, have only once needed to get a tech. problem sorted and it was fixed by a very nice Indian gentleman in 5 minutes flat.
They, however, also have download limits.
It's enough to give me the vapours 😕
Advice from personal experience please, in a plain brown wrapper.