Broadband ... anywhere in UK

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All seems redundant when BT have promised to get 100% ADSL coverage fir the UK by the end of 2005
Wireless broadband coming to the Western Isles!

I've been patiently waiting for BT broadband here for over 2 years now. Seems the locals just don't use PCs and hence the trigger limit has never been reached.

But the good news is that while our capital's exchange has now been upgraded to ADSL, the rest of the Western Isles will soon (crossfingers!) be connected up to wireless broadband with same upload/download speeds. I can't wait.... in fact I wouldn't mind using my house as a local antenae station, if needed, for the rest of the community.

The Islands desperately need this fast data infrastructure backbone to allow people to work from home, and set up new businesses, while still enjoying the benefits of living on the Islands. It's a scandal that the Government and BT have continually stalled for so long in getting those areas outside of cities connected up to broadband. Many other countries in Europe are now enjoying 1MB+ connections as standard... yet again the UK lags behind!

Do you live in the Western Isles and want to know more about the new broadband network, or to register an interest? Go here: Connected Communities.
I might as well be on an island. My exchange is enabled but I can't get broadband 🙄

When I first enquired about broadband the isp said no, you are too far from the exchange. I've been using broadband for a couple of months now supplied by a different isp 😕
Maybe worth another try or move house. lol

A related point:
When I rang my dial-up isp to cancel, they offered me a special price on their broadband product. Usually £27.99, down to £19.99 because they did not want to loose me. A tear started to form in my eye but quickly dried up when I remembered all the emails they sent, trying to get me upgrade for full price!

There is a lesson in there somewhere 😉

happy trading

Ah, this is because BT has implemented a new long reach technology so even BT would have been able to serve you now.

If you have been turned down because you are too far away from the Exchange just reapply...

I've tried everything in the last few years. After they extended, they had to rephrase their refusal. They even told me I lived further away than I do! The lines are just not good enough quality.
BT crap! Until BT sort their lines out or catch up on technology, I'm trapped on ISDN.
Broadband connection

May be a bit extreme but find out if anyone else close to you has it. I wanted to get ADSL into one of our offices and BT told me it was a no go as we were too far from the exchange, i then went round and asked some offices close by if they had it and some did, so in the end i ordered a new phone line and low and behold i was able to get it on that line (it was 2 feet from the other socket) It seems that it depends on how each line is routed when installed and some take a longer route than others. You can then cancel your old line if it works, if not i guess you have spent a few pounds on a new line that you have to cancel again.

If you can persuade BT to do a line test you should be able to speak to the engineer who comes out to do it and gain the best info from them, thats what i did and this is why i ordered the new line speculatively but knowing i should be just close enough to the exchange (and now have ADSL working fine)

Does your mate at the labs know anything about the Broadband extension trials at Milton Keynes? I had broadband for about 5 weeks (worked perfectly) and then it stopped operating. BT said I was on the limit for the service. The trials at MK are supposed to get round the problems of "too far from the exchange" for customers who live in an exchange enabled district, but can't get reliable broadband.

Hi I just thought I would let you guys know that two weeks ago I had wireless broadband fitted, I live in the middle of nowhere and we can not get any other broadband service. Wireless broadband is absolutely brilliant!! The great thing about it that the speed is the same on up load and down load therefore making it faster than ADSL, Sat and BT broadband. All for about the same cost as the other services. If anyone would like any further information on wireless broadband, just send me a post and I will be happy to help.
If anyone would like any further information on wireless broadband, just send me a post and I will be happy to help.

I would be very interested, I am still struggling with dial-up and have just come accross this thread. I have looked into sat. broadband but wasn't convinced so wireless sounds ideal. please let me know who you are with so iI can look into it further.

I am on an exchange that is enabled, but I am 100yards too far from the exchange!


Sounds great - what was the cost?


dav10 said:
Hi I just thought I would let you guys know that two weeks ago I had wireless broadband fitted, I live in the middle of nowhere and we can not get any other broadband service. Wireless broadband is absolutely brilliant!! The great thing about it that the speed is the same on up load and down load therefore making it faster than ADSL, Sat and BT broadband. All for about the same cost as the other services. If anyone would like any further information on wireless broadband, just send me a post and I will be happy to help.
i know page not found ,you will have to go to the first address and do a search on wireless broad band,go to the message board and it will be in there,