Broad-Band & Baby-Boomers


Active member
In my opinion, the markets will be propelled upwards by these two factors. We have yet to see the true benefits of broad-band, especially wireless devices that have broad-band speed for Internet. When this technology becomes as mainstream as cell phones themselves, we should see productivity soar and inflation tempered.

The Baby-Boomers are in their peak spending years and will continue over the next 4-5 years. Boomers will drive the healthcare and financial sectors, thereby further fueling the economic growth.

I suggest buying wireless chip stocks like BRCM, MRVL, QCOM, and healthcare stocks such as UNH, ZMH, SYK, and IBB (Bio-Tech ETF).

Good luck to all.....
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i agree with the baby boomers theory as i am one myself born in 1948, i have never had it so good, plenty of cash, plenty of time, and also easy access to all world markets from my home.
dcarrigan said:
i agree with the baby boomers theory as i am one myself born in 1948, i have never had it so good, plenty of cash, plenty of time, and also easy access to all world markets from my home.

careful guys, just when everyone thinks the skys the limit thats the time to jump ship and bank the cash.
samtron said:
careful guys, just when everyone thinks the skys the limit thats the time to jump ship and bank the cash.

Good point, but I think we have only started to see the reflation the markets, and will pick up speed in latter half of 2006. But, we'll just have to see....