Black Swan
Mr Walsh is frequently painted as a tough nut, but he isn’t so tough as to have kept staff costs under control. Possibly to justify his own pay rise of 6 per cent, he allowed the wages of cabin crew to rise by 5 per cent last year, to an average of £31,400. Virgin, by contrast, froze the earnings of its cabin crew at £14,000 and bmi cut them by 6.5 per cent to £17,200.
I can think of one thing that would strike far more fear into BA cabin crew than the sight of Mr Walsh’s red pen: one of those pay audits that are all the rage in the public sector. BA cabin crew average earnings work out at £603 per week. What occupation would they like to be compared with? Travel and tour guides — whose median earnings according to the Office for National Statistics’ annual survey of hours and earnings 2009 stood at £267 per week? Waiters and waitresses (£237)? Leisure and other personal service occupations (£341)?
BA cabin crew even earn more than nurses (£581) and are not far short of engineering professionals (£683). Can anyone come up with a convincing argument why the people who serve coffee on board an aircraft should be paid almost as much as the people who keep it in the air?
I can think of one thing that would strike far more fear into BA cabin crew than the sight of Mr Walsh’s red pen: one of those pay audits that are all the rage in the public sector. BA cabin crew average earnings work out at £603 per week. What occupation would they like to be compared with? Travel and tour guides — whose median earnings according to the Office for National Statistics’ annual survey of hours and earnings 2009 stood at £267 per week? Waiters and waitresses (£237)? Leisure and other personal service occupations (£341)?
BA cabin crew even earn more than nurses (£581) and are not far short of engineering professionals (£683). Can anyone come up with a convincing argument why the people who serve coffee on board an aircraft should be paid almost as much as the people who keep it in the air?