! can't argue with figures and admit that there is a big case for proportional representation.
However, UKIP only has 2 seats and SNP 59 and that is the way things are, at least, until the next elections
Banging the drum for PR may be the way for UKIP to win more seats, they have no other policies, or leaders, at the moment, and they need both.
As for discussing the merits of each others intelligence, I'll pass on that, but here is a photo of me. :smart:
Again, for the last time, for your smiley friend too, where did I refer to parties?
My point was but I am past caring, is if fringe players are considered then surely UKIP represent more people (not seats) who have an interest in the outcome. The SNP are way less representative of the total electorate for Brexit.
What is difficult here?