Oscar Reed
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Good Morning
Is this an entirely new phenomenon? Perhaps this might be the new democracy whereby those in charge just keep making you vote until they get the answer that is required. It's really rather frightening that there are people in authority who advocate this. I suppose in some ways this is what we do in trading – don't like the way it's moving? Well, just back out and have another go! – But that's a personal decision that affects only your own wallet.
I listen with incredulity at some of the morons on the radio who now say they didn't really want to Brexit even though they voted to do so – until now I couldn't believe there are people that stupid.
Okay, in light of the video clip, I withdraw the comment about Brexiters being humble in victory.
That will only help if it can be shown that all the morons vote one way and all the clever clogs vote the other. Regarding the referendum, I suspect each camp has its fair share of both.. . .This one man one vote idea is showing itself up. Should there be an IQ minimum ?
lol, looked good to me 😀
Or the service that marked the day when the brexiteers prised the great from our title.
It amazing people voted for something and didnt understand what it was
This one man one vote idea is showing itself up. Should there be an IQ minimum ?
all of these whining nancy-boy teenagers and 20-somethings, trendy right-on liberal entitlement-whores, victims of the marxist indoctrination education system, wouldn't have been so happy with the EU to get conscripted into the new EU Army in a few years time (as per Lisbon Treaty), to go off an fight a manufactured war against Russia
Happy to admit I voted remain without the knowledge of economy and finance that much better informed people possess. So when virtually every neutral economist in the western world and all our country's allies said it was a bad idea, I felt it was worth taking note. As it is, we have gone from a strongly growing economy to facing an uncertain prospect.
As far as the EU is concerned, its probably increasingly susceptible to increasing political domination by Germany. How that might be financially good for the UK is difficult to see.
Good it shall be
When mainstream economists and ‘big government’ politicians tell you something is a bad idea then the opposite is usually true. But, this is probably why more people voted remain than would have. The clueless mainstream economists and ‘big government’ leaders successfully terrified the ill-informed public into believing that Brexit would be bad for Britain. The truth is that the clueless mainstream economists and ‘big government’ politicians are terrified that Brexit ends up being good for Britain.