Just another day the UK out performs Europe.🙂
Just another day the UK out performs Europe.🙂
56.59% of the UK's exports are to other member nations.
$267.1 billion in exports to those countries.
That’s funny, but I actually think that from now on, everything is Brexit.
- Fed doesn’t raise rates, it’s Brexit.
- Markets crash, it’s Brexit.
- Terrorist bombing, it’s Brexit.
- Can’t get a mortgage, it’s Brexit.
- etc
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
- Adolf Hitler
Yeah, doing so well in fact that the UK has just lost its triple A rating
FTSE down 7% and the pound down 10%.
Just wondering what you would consider to be a bad day?
The ramifications of the Brexit was beyond UK borders and it was reported as such which was turned into scare mongering. Does it matter if other global players are also impacted or not.
You have to remember 44% of UK exports go to EU. So when they start performing badly it will subsequently impact UK give or take couple of time lags.
Hope it will we worth it and that UK will come out better than others from this UK induced impending recession.
Instead of playing the game how can 'we' get rich working in partnership, it seems one is rubbing hands with glee as emphasis is on who loses least.
Is this right? 🙄
So if the UK wants to keep free access to the EU market, it has to keep open to travel and the free movement of people. This is the noise coming from the EU
I wonder is this what leave voters wanted ?
We buy more German cars than they buy from us. German elections next year are mentioned as a sort of a consolation line to anything that is said to the Brexit camp.
This is a little like the scare mongering response they put forward to any warnings to most of which we subsequently find out they have no plan. They've really thought this out well haven't they?
As it happens the Euro has dropped and German exports to the rest of the World just as good and benefiting from a fall out as one may dream for the UK.
Germany has to keep 26 other members happy whilst keeping the UK. EU economy is a bigger chunk of interest to Germany than selling cars to the UK. EU market much bigger than UK car market.
UK is talking up a balloon, waiting for one prick to pop it. Yep we sure will stop those German cars and EU migrants entering the UK? I'm not so sure as I'd hazard a bet migrants will be driving in German cars past Dover if you ask me. Take back control they say.
If I was German I would tell the UK to do what it must. German cars are what they are German cars. German interests lie in the centre of EU and making it work.
Deceitful lies from the Brexit camp, like a stinking fart, the stench is oozing. Can you smell that. It's same old BS.
Farage gloating at the EU. Reminds me of Bush on the aircraft carrier declaring they won the war. It's only been 3 days FGS. Resentful loud mouth.