Brewski Trades

Foroom's wood have club welcomes you.

It was just an update on what happened for people following and if I'd been stopped out I would have said that it would have been stopped out. I closed it due to NFP on Friday, the trade is closed and gone so it makes absolutely no difference to my account what it does now.
Don't usually try to catch falling knives but this is a decent buying opportunity... bought DAX 12062 stop 12025

Notice I didn't just buy at the level I stated or set an order, I waited until it got to the area of interest and watched what happened.


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DAX gone mental why did I close :clap:

I'll be looking to short DAX somewhere above 12270 may as well rinse it both ways
Bought gbp/usd as well now, screenshot will be posted in a couple hours when I get on my computer.
OK screenshot attached, you can see the two trades that are open and the usd/jpy loss in the blotter so everything is genuine.


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All I can see today is having another go at shorting usd/jpy from around the same area as yesterday, I'd really like to trade Oil but I don't have a sufficient account to have a wide enough stop with CMC minimum stakes of 50p a point. I'd have a guess a lot of people lose their accounts by thinking they can deposit a few hundred quid without realising 50p a point is too high risk for that size - they are set up to fail before they've even started.
Figured he was and I bet he doesn't give a decent reply either.

My prediction: after 50 trades he will be losing money
Here's a few reasons;-

1. You are not hedging by using other instruments.

2. You have not factored in slippage .

3. You have not explained how to overcome a loosing position.

4. Your positions is a HEAD OR TAILS outcome. Similar to placing chips on black / red on roulette.

I love playing roulette 👍