Breakout Trading using Time and Sales nice would it have been to get a bite out of GPN...too volatile now though
done for the day.

I will likely be limiting my posts here now to perhaps once a week. In any case, I will give advanced notice as to when I'm posting.

Good trading to all!
No problems with TWS this morning, so things look to be okay.

The stocks I trade come from Mr. Charts' live alert site, along with scans of my own sometimes. However, all pre-market stocks (four days a week) come from Richard's site. It's really a great resource as one is learning. For this reason, it is not appropriate if I mention them on here.

Thank you for your consideration, Amit 🙂
You have another message elsewhere, BTW.
Enjoy the weekend,
took the AVP breakout but ended up closing it as it failed to go any higher for a 1 cent profit, but commissions were 1 cent, so net nothing. It then shot up higher