Breakout Trading using Time and Sales

Amit; you are good my man. I bought the ARIA b/o again and got +3c (in at 15.81). I guess you getting in before the b/o cuz of momo gave you more gain?


Yes, I got in at 15.75, before the breakout.

Still got my eye on it.
Amit; +3c WSM.

Anyway, sorry, I will try to stop clogging up your thread now and stick to reading it because I learn a lot from you.

Thanks Again
-11 cents per share GMCR breakout...really should have avoided that stock as it was too wild but went long on momo and then it immediately reversed
+16 cents per share GMCR breakout...did that on the one-minute chart...very tight consolidation and then a nice move up on good momo
got out too early on GMCR 🙁 🙁

it was simply having too much difficulty getting through the whole number, so just got out. Oh well.
Should be an interesting day with the futures gapping down nicely. Might have some chart problems with IB's TWS as it has been slightly unresponsive this morning.
just using small charts for now...can't scroll through my watch list...ive got about 9 charts up and running with some pre-market stocks
missed out on some great moves this morning because of this charting problem 🙁