LOL...not sure about the loan idea, but the ATR is a good stop criteria...don't understand why people put arbitrary stops.
I heard about grey1 and how another member on T2W had scammed others using grey1's software. What sort of trading did grey1 do? What setups/methods did he use?
Not sure about the member scamming people (jayjay121 I assume) but I know that grey1 is the complete opposite (he hates trading coaches and always says that if someone can make money from the market they wouldn't need to charge people)
He's always done everything for free.
I've seen his automated trading engine and its amazing.
As for the methods : - I think his automated trading uses a neural network and lots of other things of which I have no understanding. He is a maths whiz and has worked for many banks in risk modelling and analysis etc.
However, he also does some daytrading manually using the concepts that he teaches.
There's too much to go into and i haven't even scratched the surface as im still trading forex but he has some theories based on market cycles combine with exhaustion patterns using orice and volume, and other methods based on pair trading, using the relative strength (NOT RSI) of the stocks against various idexes to choose candidates.
Too much to get into really, but you did ask! lol
Hi redart,
Have you considered CFDs?
Indeed I have.
Unfortunately, its just not feasible for me.
In my experience, the spreads can be huge, sometimes the spread when trading direct might be 1c, and the same stock on a CFD can be 14c!
Its a huge difference.
There also seems to be a more limited stock selection with spreadbet and CFD's.
Also, the execution isn't as fast, and there is the question of the games that brokers might play when nit trading 'direct'.
Overall, it makes something that is already hard pretty much impossible in my experience.