Brand Spanking Newbie

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Hi All

I joined this site today and spent considerable time searching the posts for some help.

I was going to ask advice on starting my road to riches (hum ? hum ?) by purchasing the Vince Stanzione Home Based course at £347. You may be surprised to hear I have decided against that having read what I have read on here. (unless anybody can correct me, all help welcomed)

So my question still remains what is the best position to start in/from i.e. Books / Home Study Course.
I appreciate it is not as easy as the "sellers" say but surely somebody on this www must have been in my place once "Where and what the H**** do I start with"

So come on folks help a newbie
1 What are the best books for me to buy
2 What is (if there is) the best home study course to buy

Thank you very much for any advice, I will keep you all posted on my sucess or failure

Best Regards to All

Depends on a multitude of variables.

At one extreme you may be a long term buy and hold fundamentalist. If so you are probably in the wrong place. Try the Motley Fool.

At the other you may be hoping to be a manic Level II scalper playing the markets as you would a computer game and making 200 - 300 trades per day.

First of all work out who you are and what you want to achieve then come back and ask for assistance. You will undoubtedly receive it here. Otherwise "You could always go to the nearest church and pray"

Good luck.
Seriously Mercedes, I would suggest you focus on price and volume and the evidence that the combination of these 2 variables presents.

If you can learn to interpret price and volume correctly you are half-way there.

You then have to deal with the demons inside your head because you will very quickly learn that the pyschological aspect of trading plays a huge part in your future success or otherwise.

Please pm me if you want me to relate my experiences in detail. I am 1 year into this thing and doing reasonably ok I reckon.
A great book to buy ( and also read if possible ) is " Techniques of Tape Reading" by Graifer and Schumacher. You can get it on Amazon.

Also look for threads on T2W relating to price and volume and read them in depth. You will be able to pick out some priceless pieces of knowledge based on other peoples' experiences.
The only other book I would recommend is Murphy's " Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets" which rivals the Bible itself.

I have read other trading books but consider most of them a waste of time.
For motivation read Market Wizards, New Market Wizards, Stock Market Wizards, Pit Bull: I always refer back to these books when I'm questioning my abilities and drive..........
Hi Mercedes, start by reading Investing Made Easy by Jim Slater (ORION ) £24-99p
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