Brand new ea falcon inverter

I am unable to get through to your account to have a look.
It might be easier for you to show a pic and details like draw down.
As the EA has so many details, one of them is a file that is created with all the details of all the sessions, so you can see black over white, a lot of data, starting and finishing hour, DD, profit done and a lot of other many details. Hope it will help.
I am also sending a file with the actual performance of the EA, only related to % of profits done till the demo is on.
Hope it will help. For further information, please, FEEL FREE to ask anything you might think it would be important for you.
Thank you very much for your interest.


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If you advertise it on website you may get some buyers.
If you advertise it on website you may get some buyers.
Thank you very much Pat494. I am already finding buyers for it. So far I have already bought more than 10 units in a few days.
As it is not only 1 EA but 2, I don´t know if it would be possible to be sold by QL5 or how to do it. I will keep posting this files for infomation.
Hi everyone. Hope those in real or demo with Falcon EA are making at least the same profits as at our accounts. Another slow Tokyo session that went into London. Closed with a nice 2.1% profits. Sending a screenshot of the performance till now.


  • PERFORMANCE_09042018.png
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Done for the day. All 2 sessions traded closed in profits with FALCONEA.Com´n´watch it live through my demo account or download it from the link in post 1. Attach results of the day. If anyone wants the file with the whole results, including DD, please ask and I´ll attach it.


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154 trades and 300 pips?
I really don´t mind too much how many pips I make, I really measure how much money I make every day. And numbers talk by themselves. It is another data that you can measure, of course, but I prefer to measure growth, time exposed to the markets or DD, I think they are the clue. The Falcon EA is up near 20% since March 25th and DD has been ridiculous. If you want further information, please feel free to ask anything about our EA or DM me and I will try to solve any doubt about it. Thanks for your interest.
FalconEA continues making nice profits day after day. Attach results till today´s London session included.


  • PERFORMANCE_10042018.png
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FalconEA continues making nice profits day after day. Attach results till today´s London session included.
Wait until the market changes. If it survives you will get a lot of interest. Otherwise, like countless others, the system will fall apart. Either way, good luck

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Wait until the market changes. If it survives you will get a lot of interest. Otherwise, like countless others, the system will fall apart. Either way, good luck

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Hi FXX. Thanks for your interest. Markets change but Price Action is always there. Anyway I have not found the Holy Grial, only a very profitable way to earn some money to the FX markets. Surely one day it will loose, but I hope it will loose only one day every some months of wining days.
Thank you for your wishes of good luck. If you would desire any further information about the EA feel free to ask anything you think it could be of your interest (DD, etc)
As I said yesterday I had no intention to trade neither London nor NY today, so when profit went into trailing zone I closed manually. Today no trades, Draghi on the desk plus oil inventories and so will start trading again Tokyo. More profits to the account.

Falcon Inverter All Time Return: 22.0%


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Tokyo session closed by trailing with 1% profits while sleeping here in Europe. Hope everyone in real or demo closed in good profits too. If anyone could tell how is it going or need any help, please, ask for it. Now London session in a while.


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London session closed, with less profit than desired maybe due to slipagge. Fast move realated to cable when closing. Another profitable day for FalconEA. ECB ahead for NY session and Mr. Carney speaking later so I will not trade it.


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Tokyo session closed by trailing. It has seemed to be a quiet session. Another 1.1% profit for Falcon EA. More than 25.3% since started. Hope everyone in real also closed with these profits. See you for London opening.


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FalconEA continue making its daily little miracle. Last friday closed in profits and the same for Monday Tokyo session closed in London session time.
Attach a file with its performance till now.


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We have updated the FalconEA in order not to have any trouble with the GMT brokers time. You can download it here Now you will only have to set to true or false if we are in Daylight Saving Time or not.
Good morning all. Super slow Tokyo session, some accounts, as mine didn´t trigger any trade. London session closed fast and with less than 2% DD. I will wait till NY session. Hope all in real closed in profits London session.


  • PERFORMANCE_17042018.png
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NY session closed with more nice profits. Some of you maybe have closed with 1.5% profits or more. Fast, low DD and nice profits. Now FalconEA is done for the day with another 2.0% to add to the account. Hope you all are closed in profits, specially those in real.


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FalconEA keeps hitting the market like a hammer always hitting in the same point. Another 1.1% profit for London Session. Tokyo session was not traded due to some difficulties with the starting time. These difficulties have already been solved. You can download the 1.3 version from the link in the #1 post. A "Skip Session" button has been added. By pressing it, FalconEA will skip the next session that we have set to TRUE. For any question feel free to ask about it.


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Good morning everyone, my name is Alvaro and I´m a newbie in this forum and in Forex too. I have been developing for a couple of years some EAs and I am showing you one of them, which I would like to be tested by all of you, so I am sharing it in the link below (Spanish version also available). After many EAs, strategies, etc, this one seems to be showing good results, and most important of all, it has a SL that may be defined individually depending on your risk management or risk apetite.

This EA doesn´t follow any strange or difficult strategy. It starts trading at the beginning or some minutes before all the 3 sesions beginning (Tokyo, London and NY), when the price retraces or uses to retrace, or even at the movements that the price use to do before keeping on with the diary bias.

This EA has a MASTER BOT, to be set only in 1 pair and all the others will be SLAVES. I would appreciate you backtest it (The Master), but it isn´t worth at all, due to in order to achieve the 2% profit of the balance from each season, one single pair would need higher volume trades or the help from the other pairs, having all the trades a reasonable size. A good test would be in a demo account.

With the default settings, the EA is told to cash 2% from the balance per session. If price goes against us and the situation gets tough, the own EA activates a trailing SL closing all trades with less but in 1% profit per session. If you only want to trade some of the 3 sessions you also have the possibility to do it.

This EA works in M1 time frame and the tested pairs to work properly are EURUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD, EURJPY, EURGBP, USDJPY, NZDUSD and GBPUSD. You should use all of them together.

This bot also creates a file in your MT4 Files folder with the sessions results and every single trade. For my own demo account, I have set a -30% SL (In a real one I wouldn´t do it) to evaluate how far does my DD goes. From the results got in my demo a -10%SL could easily be set as MAX DD. This SL would only have been reached once, having a great net result from the whole days, sessions and trades.

Looking forward your tests and opinions.

My regards.


The creator of this ea is Daniel Adell ([email protected]) not you.