Box breakout pro scalping

Long eur-cad 1.29157, stop 1.29031.

Knocked out -13.

The following eur trades could not have survived the price plays if it wasn't for manual intervention in widening the stops. It was a gamble, and I got lucky. Perhaps experience played a part in it. Had the price gone against me, I would have sustained a march larger loss than originally planed-for via the stops. There ain't no easy money or absolute certainty in this market casino, and luck still plays too large a part than I like.

Long eur-usd 1.30796, stop 1.30667.

Exit +12.

Second eur-usd position 1.30737, stop 1.30667.

Exit +18.

Third eur-usd position 1.30858, stop 1.30738.

Exit +6.