

Senior member
I've got so bored of staring at numbers and waiting around doing nothing. How do people deal with it? I opened my 10p per point gambling account back up just for today to get a gambling fix even though I know I shouldn't and the gambler inside me will probably be my downfall one day.

How do I create a multi-nic so I can lulz some topics for fun?😆
get a graphics card with multiple ports, get a tech to put it in though so you have a warranty 🙂 (seriously worth it, my friend installed his and it broke during installation, $500 down the drain)

and some computer games for entertainment:

Age Of Empires
Fallout 3 and New Vegas
the elder scrolls: Oblivion
The elder scrolls: Skyrim
No need for a professional. You can get quad monitor Nvidia cards for £40 used on ebay. Half than for dual.

I've done the same myself recently for the long hours waiting and wating.
Yeah I do pass the time playing some games and I've just ordered a few clint eastwood classic westerns to watch. Most of his films are well before I was born but they are good. I've got the new Call of Duty on order for when it's released next week as well, that should take me in to the new year😆

Probably shouldn't admit it but I occasionally play Warcraft, I used to be well addicted a few years ago but I get really bored of it now.

Do you find you can concentrate well enough on the markets if you're playing games at the same time?

Thanks for your reply that got deleted as well Paz👍
I would find strategy games go quite well with trading. Old school games such as Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Warcraft 1 and 2, Settlers, Beasts & Bumpkins even Sim City or Rollercoaster Tycoon.... I'm sure there are more modern equivalents 😆

Games like these are quite slow paced. They will still keep you entertained but allow time for you to flick your eyes to another monitor regularly
I used to play C&C all the time, link up the old PS1's with 2 tvs in the same room those were the days!😆 All my mates were always soviets but if you played allies right you could easily win.
or if you like football... Football Manager. Could waste hours away on that, n they wouldnt be wasted hours if your were waiting for a trade setup!

What I do when I'm waiting for a potential trade to develop is just read/read/read/research about anything to do with trading, the stock market or the economy... Although that does get boring after several hours.
I used to play C&C all the time, link up the old PS1's with 2 tvs in the same room those were the days!😆 All my mates were always soviets but if you played allies right you could easily win.

I could never be soviets 😆
Yeah was deffo miles funner when you were playing mates. My dad had 2 pc's set up, me and my brother spent endless saturday afternoons on c&c and red alert 🙂
I used to play C&C all the time, link up the old PS1's with 2 tvs in the same room those were the days!😆 All my mates were always soviets but if you played allies right you could easily win.

Get a copy of "War and Peace"👍