

Hi guys

does anyone know how much the bloomberg software costs per month and whether i can get it on a trial basis
I think it is about US$1600 per month.

You should be able to trial it.

Why don't you just call Bloomberg and ask them?
PropTraderFX said:
Hi guys

does anyone know how much the bloomberg software costs per month and whether i can get it on a trial basis
I think the cost is negotiable (within reason). I spoke to a guy from Bloomberg a few months back. He seemed eager to help and even offered to visit me.

Unfortunately, my trading setup is such that I didn't feel I would cover the costs by the extra 'edge' Bloomberg would offer me.
Trading simulator

Hi guys, I am pretty new here,
I reach the last stage of an interview for an USA Bank for Fx market-maker postion. the last test it's gonna be a trading simulation. As far as I know, there are gonna be some simulated macro data coming out + simulated client requests and they are gonna see how you manage you book in a fast envirolment.

Does anyone have or know where I can download a trading simulator for free?
Hi PropTraderFX
you can go to bloomberg website and get trial downloads from there

No I do not work for Bloomberg but I have done work for them in the past
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.........All you have to do is go to Google and type in "Foreign Exchange free simulator"

...........Having worked for Salomons, before Citigroup days, and not even on the trading floor......... believe me you are gonna have to sharpen your initiative if u gonna make it!
if you are interested in bloomberg at a much lower levy - see which arcades offer it as part of the package - for instance Futex offer it as standard part of their desk fee