Bloomberg Terminal


Hi Everyone,

I am trying to gain experience in using a bloomberg terminal, however my initial research tells me you must work for a bank/brokerage etc to use one.

Is anyone aware of where I gain use a bloomberg terminal to get some experience?

Any info would by useful.

Thanks everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to gain experience in using a bloomberg terminal, however my initial research tells me you must work for a bank/brokerage etc to use one.

Is anyone aware of where I gain use a bloomberg terminal to get some experience?

Any info would by useful.

Thanks everyone!

Why do you need one? Do you know?
Then try and get a trial subscruption. But I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. Two reasons;

i) Firms serious about hiring you as a trainee will arrange training for you
ii) Sitting in front of a Bloomberg on your own trying to use the thing will teach you the square root of f**K all about what it's actually about. Nothing useable to a bank or other large firm.

Seriously - this is a bit of a waste of your time imho.
Fully concur with GJ. They are fairly easy to use, it's not a hole in your CV if you don't know how to use one.

Is this in relation with a job on an execution desk?
Easy, contact your local Bloomberg office and confirm your assistance to any of the several courses they have every month. You usually need to have a terminal in order to join but they are always so deserted I imagine you won´t have any problem if you ask nicely...

I'm trying to get in touch from anybody from NY state that cancelled their Bloomberg subscription and got jammed. If you are in this group, please PM me. Regards and Thanks.
Bloomberg is pretty easy to use. As stated by others any firm that takes you on can teach you easily. Every firm has a dedicated rep who can come and show you the basics in half and hour if you request (plus you may even get a free mousepad or something!)

If you still want to try some libraries (especially univeristy ones) will have them.If you get access to one try typing in: 'NEWS' as a starting pont, then try 'FTSE', then a stock symbol like 'BARC LN' enter, then HP enter or GIP enter. Again on a stock try 'DVD' enter.

That will give you a good start 🙂
Think there needs to be a specific reason for this Chris....where are you in your career and what value do you see Bloomberg adding? As earlier stated, most firms would provide education on this if part of your job and use of Bloomberg isn't a complex task as their online assistance chat is very efficient. Although no knowlege gained is would do you better to be focused by using your time and energy wisely.

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to gain experience in using a bloomberg terminal, however my initial research tells me you must work for a bank/brokerage etc to use one.

Is anyone aware of where I gain use a bloomberg terminal to get some experience?

Any info would by useful.

Thanks everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to gain experience in using a bloomberg terminal, however my initial research tells me you must work for a bank/brokerage etc to use one.

Is anyone aware of where I gain use a bloomberg terminal to get some experience?

Any info would by useful.

Thanks everyone!

Try this website {} they have a heap of basic training videos that show you how to get around the terminal and you'lll sound like you have half a clue.
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to gain experience in using a bloomberg terminal, however my initial research tells me you must work for a bank/brokerage etc to use one.

Is anyone aware of where I gain use a bloomberg terminal to get some experience?

Any info would by useful.

Thanks everyone!

Bloomberg is now charging $24000 a year for a single terminal subscription. The closely held company doesn't publicize its prices, but they are rather high.

It is mostly large banks and financial firms that have access to a Bloomberg terminal. Your best bet is to work in one of them.