Bloomberg mixes open interest rollovers with actual trades on the charts of futures!!


I know it's hard to believe that BB would show the number of open interest rollovers done in the same volume bar as actual trades, which of course makes the chart useless for trading and analysis. But the salesman, and the programmers too, can't seem to understand that you must not add these two items together, any more than you would add a quart of oil to your gas tank. While you can't expect the salesman to know much about trading or technical analysis, this is like quoting the price of Apple after adding the price of the Orange Juice futures contract to it.

So, would someone, the more the better, be so kind as to confirm as being correct that you must not mix non-auction trades with actual trades on the charts so that I can forward it to them, as they just don't believe me, or maybe they just don't want to admit that their data is wrong.

I know they do this for Japanese futures, and so I would imagine that they also do so with other futures, as they seem to think it's correct.

Thank you very much for your assistance.