Bitcoin brokers


Well-known member
Hi folks

just wondering if any one of you know a reputable broker that offers bitcoin on margin or CFD bitcoin related products

I've noticed AVA trade in my google searches, but these guys do not inspire me with too much confidence!

Thanks again
Bitcoin is hard to catch right now. I think you should avoid trading it or at least a broker can suddenly close it without any reasons.
Comes down to leverage and risk management. But I guess with a synthetic product like a CFD, broker can say anything. Don't trust those clowns at Ava anyways. I asked if they had a direct line to the dealers in the event of system failure & they said I would have to go through customer services as they could be in a meeting.

PS I wouldn't day trade Bitcoin ;-)

Bitcoin is hard to catch right now. I think you should avoid trading it or at least a broker can suddenly close it without any reasons.

Called them up, the dealer told me he was not taking any more bets as his book was full. when I asked him why he did not hedge his book, he told me they had credit risk to also consider.

Forget it , its not going to work anyway with any broker , either they suspend it or pull the market or widen their spreads ... etc .
keep off crypto for now.
After MT GOX's fall better wait till the dust has settled
The current blockchain implementation for Bitcoin is deeply flawed quite apart from the outright skulduggery going on with a large number of the exchanges. While virtual currencies do have a future, the likes of Bitcoin do not. The paradox will be that the process of making any virtual currency as safe as any other fiat currency will take away a great many of the current arguments for them over fiat currencies.

Regulation bring with safety many of the restrictions that virtual currencies initially sought to bypass.

From a trading perspective I am not surprised some are still holding as many tend to hold losing positions far more resolutely than winning ones, but I'd be genuinely surprised if those holding at a profit were more than a single digit percentage of the whole.
Bitcoin CFD

Hi folks

just wondering if any one of you know a reputable broker that offers bitcoin on margin or CFD bitcoin related products

I've noticed AVA trade in my google searches, but these guys do not inspire me with too much confidence!

Thanks again

Why not?
I hear forex-metal offer btc trading. But I consider btc is a bubble-atm so I don't want to get risky to play with it.
Recent loss on BTC has threatened the BTC users. Yet, mtgox is working on it. Nothing can compare gold and silver, however this electric bitcoins has shaken the market. Which was really impressive, and things will definitely rise as long as there's merchants and users alive.
Not every broker platform is reliable but few are with high security and stability, so for leverage margin trading i use PrimeXBT and Bitmex as I feel secure when trading on them and i am okay with the fees, as one has lower fees (Primexbt). But lets not forget that holding on exchanges always bears some kind of a risk.
Ha ya @Akinozragore, I had the same thoughts.. what are these exchanges.

I recently made a video regarding exchanges and fees: Best Crypto Exchanges: How To Reduce Crypto Fees

For me credibility and volume are super important. Almost all crypto exchanges lack any decent interface. Atleast coming from TOS or tried and tested traditional equity platforms + the fees are all absurd.

Still cryptos an exciting space and I love trading it.
Hi folks

just wondering if any one of you know a reputable broker that offers bitcoin on margin or CFD bitcoin related products

I've noticed AVA trade in my google searches, but these guys do not inspire me with too much confidence!

Thanks again
You can try coinexx they offer over 25 crypto coins for trading and you will get margin on the CFDs as well.
GKFX do BTC and they have a spread bet platform using MT4. Never had problems with them but saying that never traded BTC with them just Forex