Birmingham? is it a safe city?

Car Key Boi

Well-known member
Mrs Key Boi wants to catch the ball game over the weekend.....heaven knows why, from what i can gather, the West Indian cricket team is to cricket what John Kerry is to baseball

so is Birmingham a relatively safe city or should we take Maria along ?(our Venezuelan jungle-trained housekeeper who's capable of killing a man stone dead with one blast of her tongue)
Don't think a Brummie would understand her.
Seriously, Birmingham is safe where it is :cheesy:
I went there once. Or at least I think I did.
I drove there, but despite hours of driving, never saw anything resembling a City Centre.
Birmingham is supposed to be the second largest city in the UK but I think someone just made that up.
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I went there twice... spent hours just watching. I am convinced that the whole place has been over-run by aliens. The inter-stellar kind not the foreigner kind 🙂 Whole place is very strange.


ChartMan said:
Birmingham is great. It's the suburbs you have to worry about......
Good to see you are still around.
I assume you will be staying in the best hotels and driving around in a limo, so you should be ok.
You will, of course, have to take the hotel and limo with you as they don't do them in B'ham.
Otherwise they say it's quite safe for the Paras as long as they patrol in regiment strength.
You should be ok, though ;-)
strange question from old CKB.... you usually expect him to ask about what the cars there are like and how easy or not it would be to key them.... but then again, for a pro like him, he should be able to key anywhere, so why bother asking.... do TELL us how th ekeying went tho, CKB....😉
Car Key Boi said:
so is Birmingham a relatively safe city or should we take Maria along ?(our Venezuelan jungle-trained housekeeper who's capable of killing a man stone dead with one blast of her tongue)

Just don't stroll around Handsworth/Lozells or a few other inner suburbs looking like a tourist with a camera around your neck, that's all. Much the same as any other city these days I guess.
Car Key Boi said:
Mrs Key Boi wants to catch the ball game over the weekend.....heaven knows why, from what i can gather, the West Indian cricket team is to cricket what John Kerry is to baseball

so is Birmingham a relatively safe city or should we take Maria along ?(our Venezuelan jungle-trained housekeeper who's capable of killing a man stone dead with one blast of her tongue)
Never be without Maria - especially if you ever come to Tyneside!! She sounds a real treasure.
Tyneside Ron?
Are you in Noocassel?
Left there in 75.
Has the Fog lifted yet? It's All Mine, All Mine.
strange question from old CKB.... you usually expect him to ask about what the cars there are like and how easy or not it would be to key them....
Shame really, Longbridge ain't what it used to be :cheesy:
Whey ya b*gger!
Whey aye man - aam a Geordie!!
fog - canna see what yer taakin aboot pet!

So we have something in common after all

Mr. Charts said:
Tyneside Ron?
Are you in Noocassel?
Left there in 75.
Has the Fog lifted yet? It's All Mine, All Mine.
Aha,Ron,I knew you must have some redeeming grace, somehow, somewhere ;-)
Message in your box
Any chance of a ticket or two to see the Toon Army then? Perhaps you have a Director's Box... :cheesy:
we didn't go in the end, we went to a BBQ party thrown by my brother-in-law (Trinis do love their BBQs

just as well i suppose, as her team got whipped again
There's another WI/England game due to be played here in London, but i think we're flying back that weekend, but we might be able to catch the first couple of days of the match. We'll see.

yes Rongvald, Maria is indeed a treasure even thou she always scolding me and sucking up to Mrs Key Boi 🙁

to dsmodi,
even thou the Carkeyboi website is still up and running (in spite of a Cease & Desist order from Swiss-tech Tools) i have retired from keying up cars. I must confess, i do miss it 🙁 but when i married Mrs. Key Boi, a number of vows were made by myself and i intend to honor them


to Richard,
Hey CKB,

It's always good to hear from you.

You made a smart move not going to Birmingham. It's a weird place.

I once spent two days trying to get out of the town-centre one-way system. Ended up having to drive through the post office !

Take care Dude.

oh well, at least u still have the name....does she even know about the CKB name you use?
Just out of interest, ask her what name she'd like you to use on these boards.
And, FWIW (probably not much, but still), respect ta ya for sticking to your word matey 😉