LION63 said:
You already know the answer to your question (Strong hold or convert?). Why would you even contemplate closing trades/positions that have no downside as you are so far in front? The bad news is still in the prices, short of them going bust or Elliott Spitzer going after them they will rise irrespective of what happens to the general market.
Re; Strong Hold or convert. [it was not meant as a question but more of a suggestion of choice]
I think some people need to know they have other options/choice on position and also some may have put heavy stakes in.
Here are some options/choice what they can do:
1. Close 1/2 of position and leave rest to ride for free.
2. Close 1/3 of position and reduce ur xposure to small amount.
3. Convert to bull call sprd and take in cash.
4. Close all of position and take profits and be thankfull
5. Keep all position open and hope for more profits.
6. Close out positions and use a % of the profits to buy cheaper OTM positions.
The thing about traded options is that u need to know/learn that there is many alternatives to hedge or safe guarding one's capital and not trade like a gambling fool and put everything at risk, its all part of learning and be ahead of the herd
😎 😆
SHORTING AS A HEDGE IS A NO NO!! BECAUSE THE DELTA'S ARE AGAINST UR OPTION CALL POSITIONS. Take time and think about what ive just said, especialy for those who have the $7.50/ $10.00 strikes or higher strikes. Remember that some DELTA's in option's are weaker than ftrs/shorting.
Always expect the unxpected
😎 🙄 Seek and learn is key to successfull trading :cheesy: