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IDH Brokers

Good News. I am back and I have been working with an investigative reporter on this. :clap::clap::clap:

Today we will look at just one aspect of IDH Brokers and Mr. Ian Heard and you will see how this scheme works.

On 24/11/2005 IDH Brokers were given 350,000 shares by Biocide International plc for free, gratis, nothing. 350,000 shares nominally worth 1p but the amount due on each share is 10p. When I say for nothing, this is a rule-bending use of the "non-cash consideration" aspect of the Companies Act. I will cover this use of non-cash considerations in other postings and demonstrate to you the depth to which these people will sink.

So let's recap. IDH Brokers received these shares for nothing.

Those of you who bought shares at that time from IDH Brokers and Mr. Ian Heard and I know who you all are, should take a look on the Companies House website and download the form 88(2) submitted at that time. That's right. You are all listed on there. You all bought shares with a nominal value of 1p, notionally paid up at 10p for which IDH paid nothing.

My question to you all is How much did you all actually pay for those shares? Was it 35p, 50p, or :-0 70p?

At most you should only have paid 10p for shares that were worth nothing.

And all of you bought these shares even before they were created. How can that be (unless this is a closed game only certain participants can participate in🙄)

I see that some of you are still shareholders. I will look you all up and send you the details this week in case you don't read this board. Then give Ian Heard a call and ask him "Why did you rip me off?"

Good News. I am back and I have been working with an investigative reporter on this. :clap::clap::clap:

Today we will look at just one aspect of IDH Brokers and Mr. Ian Heard and you will see how this scheme works.

On 24/11/2005 IDH Brokers were given 350,000 shares by Biocide International plc for free, gratis, nothing. 350,000 shares nominally worth 1p but the amount due on each share is 10p. When I say for nothing, this is a rule-bending use of the "non-cash consideration" aspect of the Companies Act. I will cover this use of non-cash considerations in other postings and demonstrate to you the depth to which these people will sink.

So let's recap. IDH Brokers received these shares for nothing.

Those of you who bought shares at that time from IDH Brokers and Mr. Ian Heard and I know who you all are, should take a look on the Companies House website and download the form 88(2) submitted at that time. That's right. You are all listed on there. You all bought shares with a nominal value of 1p, notionally paid up at 10p for which IDH paid nothing.

My question to you all is How much did you all actually pay for those shares? Was it 35p, 50p, or :-0 70p?

At most you should only have paid 10p for shares that were worth nothing.

And all of you bought these shares even before they were created. How can that be (unless this is a closed game only certain participants can participate in🙄)

I see that some of you are still shareholders. I will look you all up and send you the details this week in case you don't read this board. Then give Ian Heard a call and ask him "Why did you rip me off?"

Where is this form?
I haven't seen this before but it looks like it. Seems IDH got the shares for services supplied and only 176,600 - not the 350,000 quoted here. I can't see the problem. ??
I haven't seen this before but it looks like it. Seems IDH got the shares for services supplied and only 176,600 - not the 350,000 quoted here. I can't see the problem. ??

Absolutely no problem. Or is there?

Only two possible outcomes here:-
1. 350,000 were issued to IDH and all pre-sold save 176,600
2. All of those other people provided services to the company and were allocated shares for those services.

If it is the 2nd then have these people declared those services to the taxman and are their invoices on the ledger?👎
If it is the 1st then a line on the ledger saying something like "investment funds commission" should appear and the named people are safe from the taxman.👍

Just checked form 88(3) which is the accompanying non-cash consideration form. Are you trying to tell us that ALL of these people provided Sales and Marketing Services? Be careful Ketchup you could be dropping all of these people into a huge pile of kaka without them knowing that's what's been done to them
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I'm not trying to tell you anything other than, you stated IDH got 350,000 shares whereas the document states 176,000.
I'm not trying to tell you anything other than, you stated IDH got 350,000 shares whereas the document states 176,000.

I'm sure of that.

Those shares (according to 88(3)) were for Sales and Marketing services. So we are expected to believe that every one of those people listed on 88(2) has in fact provided a similar service at the same time and submitted invoices to that effect? No. The reality is that IDH Brokers were given 350,000 shares in exchange for £35,000 worth of "consultancy", "expenses" and his associate (Brian's) consultancy totaling £35,000. That tallies so all of those people listed on 88(2) had their shares pre-sold.

I haven't completed my work relating to this fellow yet because not only is it complex, but an attempt has been made to hide it.

IDH also had a company called Argent Consultancy SL. Some 2 million shares were given to this company in recognition of sales and marketing activity in the EU. Which is amazing because from the official figures, no product was sold in the EU at that time. But, Argent C SL did not even exist when that supposed contract was awarded. Argent C SL didn't even pay a penny for those shares and the company tried to hide the real name of Argent by calling it simply "Argent SL" (without the "consultancy").

So we can show that:-
Argent C SL did not exist at the time of the contract.
There was an attempt to hide its real name on the register
The shares were allocated on a false premise as no product ever shipped in EU
No payment made by Argent C SL to make these shares "paid up"

So those shares are NOT paid up and are NOT legally issued and Biocide's own public accounts testify to this.

But then, prior to IDH Brokers being taken down by HMRC, all Argent C SL shares are transferred to a new IDH company in Hong Kong called Envirocair International (Hong Kong) Limited. Is this a blatant attempt to move illiquid stock of EU shores?:-0

But then they hide that fact in the Biocide shareholders register by holding them in the name of Barlow, Lyde and Gilbert, a firm of solicitors. The same firm of solicitors who held a certain Australian gentleman's money in Escrow before passing it to Biotech.

What can you call this? Fraud? Stupidity?

No. What it points to is how the whole company works and why IMO it is valueless, worthless, soulless and completely lacking a moral compass.

As I pointed out before, one of IDH's previous associates has recreated Argent Brokers Limited.

Here's my advice: If any of these clowns claim they have shares worth £1.20 but you can have them for half that amount AND that they are about to have a buy out from America/S.Africa/Asia where your shares will be worth up to £5 each (but) they cannot give you a prospectus yet.......RUN......RUN LIKE THE WIND WITH TWO FINGERS STUCK FIRMLY UP TO THEM:clap:
As someone who likes to investigate "Easy Money" or "The Lazy Mans Way To Riches" or "Talk and Grow Rich" Id like to share the bones of a new production that might have a London appeal. Instead of "The Wolf of Wall Street" it might be "The smoothies of Berkeley Mews" or "Gullable's Travels" or "The Threats Mr Chadwick & Mrs Lawrence"
I'd like to run something past you and if you think you you like a piece of the action there are a couple of new Companies that you could get a piece of the action in. If you are really really stupid. (I'll note them at the end for you)
Here I have outlined how one sets about having a grand life style, pleasant home, fine wines, 5 star hotels, expensive spas, health clubs and farms, BMW's etc etc.
This is not for the faint hearted, or those with integrity, you most be brash and convincing having sight of your opulent goal. Wealth to retire on.
To give this possible future TV production some depth I've given the characters names but you can rename them if you wish. I need to say first of all, without prejudice, that my names are totally fictitious.
Phase 1 – Setup
Set up a PLC. You need a product but if you aren’t inventive or bright enough to come up with your own, use someone else’s. Something Biological that would bamboozle the brains would suit fine.
You need someone willing to put up £50,000. Ideally you need someone who has done this before, lets call him Wilmslow, (not to speak ill of the dead) and allocate them 5,000,000 shares at 1p each. Put in a tiny bit of your money, say £6,000. But make sure you keep those shares! You don’t want to give the game away.

- Wilmslow then takes his 5,000,000 shares and starts to turn them over in boiler rooms sometimes getting £1.50 per share he only paid 1p for. He soon has his money back and investing more to create more new shares.
Just make sure Wilmslow doesn’t get caught by the FSA and if he is, just pretend you are an incompetent CEO who doesn’t know what’s going on in his company. Even if you have to swear it!! u

Phase 2 – Money for Nothing
You don’t have the money to create more new shares, so what do you do? Well, you give a pile of shares to your mates like Oakhampton, Pacific Holdings or Argentina by saying “thanks for the marketing and distribution services you provided but I can’t afford to pay you so will you have some shares instead?”. Of course no work ever took place so you create lets say 5,000,000 shares for Oakhampton and 2,000,000 for Argentina (who has sold half of them off before getting them) and you tell Companies House they are fully paid up at 10p. Couple of issues you need to avoid one being that you must make sure that Argentina actually existed when you “awarded” them the contract.
So now you have a company with roughly 20,000,000 shares and very little capital ever paid in (which you will have spent on fine wines anyway). Notice the paid up price of 10p.

Phase 3 – Build Desire
This is magic water and we have signed distribution agreements in Bongo-Bongo land for £50 million in year 1. We have some American investors who are talking of buying us out. We will be having an AGM and the Board will recommend acceptance of this offer.

Phase 4 – Build a Higher Share Price
So you have 1p shares, but you need to be selling them for up to £1 and you have no money. You allocate some more shares at say 35p or 50p. Suddenly the “strike price” or the price reported to HMRC is now 50p. You don’t pay some of your invoices and you persuade these people to convert that debt into shares. You do so at a price of £1 or more. You do it by allocating some at a higher price and some at a lower. You get other investors to spend their money with you and you tell them “if you buy this many shares at £1.12 then I will sell you some more at only 60p” – you allocate some new shares as £1.12 and Bobs your Uncle, you have 36 million shares with a seeming value of £1.12 per share = a £40 million company.

Phase 5 – More Desire and Field the Questions
“So what happened to the American investors?”. “What happened to the distributor in Bongo-bongo?”. We felt that we could offer you shareholders more value and already we are talking to another group. They have committed to £100 million and have offered £5 per share. “Hmmm! I only paid £1 per share for mine so I’d better shut up”

Phase 6 – Making a living
I say Phase 6, but it actually starts from day 1. Because you need an income. You have a supplier or a distributor coming on board “welcome to our company and look, I shouldn’t be telling you this but we are going to be AIM listed in 3 months time probably between £3 and £5. As a ‘friend or family’ of the company we can let you have some shares at only 60p even though the HMRC price is £1.12.” Instead of allocating new shares, you sell the ones you gave to Oakhammpton. But if the company is about to float, why would Oakhampton want rid of their own shares – maybe there is no floatation.
All the time Mr General Manager is out there shouting get your money out of your savings Float Float Float
Phase 7 – Incompetence at Business
Your real business, that of selling chemicals seems to get nowhere – that’s because your real business is selling shares. You don’t know how to run a proper business. You don't care about customer service, you don't care about honesty, you don't care about integrity and if a customer complains you get your big mouth bully solicitor to write to them telling them that if them complain again he will sue them for the costs involed in writing to them . Now **** off!!!You don’t deliver, you take deposits and don’t give money back. You have no idea who to invoice, what you’ve been invoiced for and in any case, you can just convert that debt to shares.

Phase 8 – The Fictional Balance Sheet and P&L Account
You need to keep those inquisitive shareholders at bay.(Or you'll sue them if they ask any more questions) So you throw out some huge invoices at year end. But after a while the number of debtors increases and increases to the point where debtors form the majority of your “sales”. How can that be? And you have an average debtor of 1,000+ days. Your gross profit is odd – dis-proportionally tiny costs compared to sales – are you really making a Wonga-type of margin on all sales?

Final Phase – The House of Cards and the Exit Door
Eventually, the annual story of a flotation or takeover falls on deaf ears. Your average debtors are now unbelievable. You have people screaming for the return of their money all over the world where you’ve taken deposits and not delivered product. You have shareholders who thought they bought new shares but actually bought second hand ones. You have shareholders dying and their estate irreconcilable because the seeming HMRC share price bears no relation to the real share value. Where has all the money gone?

Re-inventing the wheel Phase
You form a new company and start the same scam over again. But be careful. Make sure those pesky shareholders don’t find out that’s what you’re doing (perhaps change your name). OK Vector sorry Victor
Meantime your General Manager has formed his new escape ship. CKM Solutions Ltd 09723056
As one of your writers said "The Moral Compass has started a new Company" or as one other said "I hope he doesn't call with me, he'd be as welcome a birds **** on a showroom window"

So there you have is for today..........Bull**** and get rich.......I hope it makes the BIGscreen or TV, I think it will because there is lots more to come..........Feel the pain.

PS Keith keep Cooking
Does this sound familiar?

Look at the bit about non-cash considerations.

And if you are an Accountant or Auditor or Legal Adviser to such a company and supported them by turning a blind eye when the facts were presented to you then you are as guilty as the rest of them.

don't forget to add bankers to the list.

vidacos nominees limited were a holder of 63919620 shares of Nexis Holdings in 2009. by 2010 this holding had grown to 215411620 shares. 2011 - no longer share holders :whistling

vidacos nominees limited is 99% owned by Citibank.

Going through the figures, line by line can be boring until you come up with the next gem. Not content with carrying out crooked transactions, they are also so sloppy they put the wrong vendor down for a sale of shares.😆😆😆😆😆

Looking at a transaction in August 2006 (it looks as though the real deal was done earlier in March 2006), the copy sent to Companies House shows the vendor as IDH Brokers. But, look at the shareholder list and it is clear the only place these shares could've come from is Oakerstead Trading. :clap::clap::clap:

But then I had an idea :idea: Where in all of this do the purchasers pay their Stamp Duty.:-0:-0:-0:-0

Can one "company" really be so incompetent?

BTW. Condolences to Tom Wilmot's family. Where was the board of Biocide that day?

I Heard, someone called a BUFFOON 😎
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Some figures for the Screen production

Does this sound familiar?

Look at the bit about non-cash considerations.

And if you are an Accountant or Auditor or Legal Adviser to such a company and supported them by turning a blind eye when the facts were presented to you then you are as guilty as the rest of them.

Bacon you old Sandwich, your posted article has given me fodder for my screen play!!
I have highlighted a few pieces, below, taken from the article you featured, simply because they fit in so well with my proposed UK production and I am over whelmed to have the Company Investigations department as a place to proof read my script.

High Court Condemns Investment Scam
“The court’s decision sends an unambiguous message to would-be fraudsters that, attempts to mis-use our corporate regime to whisk money away from investors will not be tolerated”. Chris Mayhew
Public Limited Company, UK-registered has been wound up in the High Court on grounds of public interest.
This follows an investigation by Company Investigations, part of The Insolvency Service.
The court found the company took investors’ money by making claims that were clearly false and which it had no means of honoring.
It sought to raise funds and obtain assets from investors, including by selling shares and entering into share swap agreements. The investigation also found that:
• A large percentage of shares were issued for a non-cash consideration;
• The majority of these funds were paid out for the benefit of Company officers;
• Issued its shares as part consideration for the purchase by its subsidiary companies; a transaction reversed as a fraud by the Supreme Court.
Welcoming the court’s winding up decision, Company Investigations Supervisor Chris Mayhew said: “The UK corporate regime was abused to peddle an investment scheme
“The company’s claims were simply a pack of lies.“The court’s decision sends an unambiguous message to would-be fraudsters that, attempts to mis-use our corporate regime to whisk money away from investors will not be tolerated”.

Bacon in my script I will use figures based our team research and so the share issue part of the Bio International production would look like this.
8.75 Million Shares (Not paid for)
5 Million Shares to Boiler Room Scam
7 Million Shares gifted in-noncash considerations
The above “questionable shares” accounts for about 2/3rds of the Company Mr Mayhew.
The real investors must at this stage be kicking themselves. More soon.
You all owe money

It is clear that these non-cash considerations are not real. Most of them can be proven false. So no doubt the argument from Biocide's "legal" department would be that actually these non-cash considerations are actually cash considerations and the reason will be that they are fixed price verbal contracts or "fiddles" as they are known to the lay-man.

Luckily for us that all of this was anticipated in legislation and the Companies Act deals with it nicely. Section 585 prevents you providing "services" in exchange for shares but if you do, then you have to pay up the nominal and premium amounts back to the company.

So let us look at the IDH 350,000 shares at 1p nominal and 9p premium. That means IDH owes Biocide shareholders £35,000. It gets even better because the 2 million he was gifted as Argent also now attract £200,000 for the shareholders.

And the same is true of all the other fake "non-cash" considerations including the 8.75 million shares that are not paid up at all!

But it gets worse because did any of you buy shares from this "Buffoon"? because if you did, then you should check out S588 - Liability of Subsequent holders of shares. Yes! That's right! You are jointly and severally liable for that nominal and premium value. "Jointly and severally". It is clear.

My advice to ALL of you shareholders who bought shares in this way is simple. Write to this unlicenced broker (yes he is and never was licenced) demanding the return of the money you gave him with interest at base rate plus 8%.

Should this ever get to court, you may find that those shares could be cancelled and you will be left with nothing.

So take some legal advice and get your money back.

Check if you needed to pay stamp duty on that transaction
Carousel Communications Limited

To previous poster. Much information I have about this company. For example the Directors were John Coombs and Victor Marques. In 2007 investors from United States did they tell to send money to the bank account of Carousel Communications Limited but it was in 1st Strike off by Companies House and listed in London Gazette. The people who gave this account was named John Coombs and Anthony Delow.

The money was transferred for NEW shares. 1 month later 2nd Strike off and company no longer exists but money never went to Biocide International PLC. Who kept it? After 2 years you find that shares were transferred from Argent SL a company belong to Ian Heard who made the shares in name of Envirocair International (Hong Kong) Limited but hidden them did he keep in name of Barlow, Lyde and Gilbert solicitors but they say "No! This is not us but Ian Heard company in Hong Kong".

Questions I have:
+ Why Ian Heard hide this companies
+ Why old shares sold not new as promised
+ Why Carousel used? Is this MONEY LAUNDERING?
+ Why Biocide never receive this money
AGM interesting was. Ask no questions get no answers. Written off £2.3 million of invoice was. Blame all but themselves. Nervous did all look especially agitated Bonfield was. Nervous too I should be for fear of strike off fear I would. But where to did Honourable Man Coombs disappear. Perhaps Limassol? Scraggy goat heard dishevelled looked. Meanings nervous looked. But close protection force provided was. This was the gathering of Sith it was. But buy a new Carr you can but still the same garage used.

Investment stopped by trolls was it? And here we think company built to sell things. Or maybe company built to con investors?

The force is strong with this one. I have seen the future and clear it was. No money for conned shareholders, no money for conned clients and time to close company.

And restart with Vectorcide. Stop this we must. If not stop, then guilty you all are for all future conned shareholders.
Oh Carousel. "Trading As" Carousel Communications did I see on a cheque. Not a Limited company but a sole trader he be. This web of deceit more tangled then first we feared.
Read the statement of the Board did I. Interesting it is in the way it ignores facts. Over £2 million written off because waiting for money to register product are they? Rubbish this is. Shall we examine transfers of money into account of Proserve Solutions? Shall we examine invoices raised for non-existent product in advance of contracts. This is the true story of the missing millions. So anxious to make books look good that they invoiced people they should not have and 3 years later it is time to write off this debt. Shameful and disgusting this is.

Now investors will be told "hold on because I will make millionaires of you all with the Zika virus". Narrow-minded Coombs thinks you all are but not from Zika virus!
As a small shareholder in Biocide I am concerned with your comments. My holding may be small compared to others but I cannot afford to loose it. I have therefore made some enquires of my own. I am of the opinion that you are either being vindictive or your simply cannot read a set of accounts. I pray you are not a rival !! Coombs must be the worst crook ever if your telling the truth as it is clear that his salary whilst being taxed etc. has not been drawn and indeed he has invested a large amount of cash as shown in the accounts. If he's going to put the company down as you suggest he loses the lot. His own tax paid money !!!
where I do agree with you they do seem to deal with some strange people / companies . They announced a deal with a company called Sanondal if they'd looked they would have seen that it appears to be run by a Stuart White who appears to have more than enough problems of his own with an Estate Agency Franchise. So bad that there is a full website detailing his alleged misdemeanours. A trace on the company name leads to a company in the tax haven of Malta. Simply input Stuart White Century 21 into Google and see far more on him. How did Biocides Management miss this ? Another failed agreement is with a company Called Green Frog Ltd. One of the Directors Darren Magee claims to run the company whilst at the same time appears to hold a senior position in the NHS . Has he informed his trust of the conflict of interest I wonder.
It appears to me that there is no real evidence of malpractice ( I have confirmation that the FSA cleared both the company and its officers in any involvement with Willmot and indeed Coombs was a CPS witness .)
Does anyone know why the Sales Manager left another bad move who employs a used car salesman to sell chemicals. Coombs does need to explain these lapses in good management

Artimis. Or Ian David Heard should we say. You are not really a small shareholder are you? You have your shares as IDH Brokers but you also have your shares held as Envirocair International (Hong Kong) Limited (hidden under a firm of solicitors) which were of course in your Canaries company before that. And you acquired them as non-cash considerations contrary to section 585 of CA2006 so they are invalid. Why not ask your friend Bonfield for an opinion on their legality? Are they part of your divorce settlement? But let us also talk about you being a de-facto Director of Biotech Distribution Limited. I suggest you come clean because I am in receipt of invoices from this company and the bank details too! Interesting it is in Sheffield (should I say more?). I am in touch with the Sales Manager you refer to and much information I have from him including knowing why he left. Shall we also discuss how you ripped off shares from a prickly-desert-plant and lied about their allocation? Was it really an admin oversight? Shall we discuss envelopes under the table at the Marriot Hotel?

Make sure you have "played out" all of your contacts Artimis!!!!