Binary Trading

yes Jack i see your point,and thankyou again for opening my eyes to the bigger picture.
I supose for anyone just starting out its easy to understand,you win or you lose simplicity in its self.
Like dipping your toe in hot water,it hurts but you still go on testing it in the same way untill oneday Jack comes along and says why don't you buy a thermometer.
cheers mate.
Hi Cocoy.jurado.options are the future price of a share or index,your trying to guess what the price of a share or index will be in 3 months time.
Where i'm trying to guess where it will be tomorrow,
Which makes me wonder why your useing 5 minute indicators,but if it works use it.

Hello Ibetyou,

Im using 5 minute time frame because my binary options are expiring hourly. so a good position within the hour would be preferred, the 5 minute timeframe IMO is perfect because it consists of 12 candlestick periods giving you a fuller perspective using indicators within the hour. I guess its a matter of finding the hourly pattern I guess. It still has been a bitter sweet thigh though.

Thats why I am currenlty looking for good 5 minute indicators of price direction within the hour. Just started a new thread about it. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
Cocoy.jurado Hi. you should look at The3DucksTrading system by Captain Currency i think you will injoy it.
If you google it you can find it there also.
But Captain Currency is in this forum if you look for him,just type duck in the search box and you will find him and the system should you need more advice.
Hope that helps,happy trading mate.
Hi Thanks for the advice, I actually requested for his free ebook. Still waiting for a reply though I checked out a quick overview of the system. I think its simply wonderful. I still have to try it out though. I will look for him because I have some questionsregarding the system. Thanks again. If anyobody has some more suggestions. I would really appreciate it 🙂