Bill Barrett - Is he a crook? (


Hi everyone,

I'm a starter just learning about trading. I've coming across this website:
and I'm quite interested in buying the program. But I don't really know if this Bill Barrett person is genuine or if he's actually a crook. Has anyone bought this program or know of anyone who has brought this program? Could anyone please shed some light on this person on the program before I consider making an order with his trading program?

Thanks a lot for all of your help!

My email: [email protected]

Thanks again!
No Salty

Salty Gibbon said:
Isn't he the guy who invented "Licquorice Allsorts" ?

Might be the house builder bloke "Barratt Homes." 😉
Didn't he build his homes out of Licqourice Allsorts ?

Which would in fact make him a crook.

Problem solved.
Hi We traders on this board spend most of our time telling new starters , that there is no quick fix , no short cuts to reading books and learning all about trading
If there systems where so good would they be selling them?
If you look around these boards , you will see lots of starters asking the same question about all these different firms selling systems go read them and learn

ps go to knowledge lab and look at getting started , first steps
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Wow, I'm glad I asked you guys first! Thanks for the advice given. Perhaps I'm going to check out more of the "knowledge or starters" post first on this forum.

But has anyone actually bought his program before and knows for sure the program is a scam? If so, do you mind emailing me at: [email protected]?

Thanks everyone for your input! It means a lot to me as a starter to trading to get the support from you experienced traders!
There is no quick fix and no black box software. Steer clear of software that promises extroidinary returns as it will not happen, rather learn by reading, trading small and preferably having a mentor to help you make your own decisions.

Good luck!
Just read Chris kobewka , 60 minute trader an other mug
you all just keep coming, lambs to be shorn,
If all these mugs are queuing up to give $100 away , perhaps we traders are the mugs for not taking the money off them
You guys are just to jaded.

It usually isn't the system that makes the difference it's the trader and some of those $100
systems you dismiss are actually worth the money.

And I can personally and directly attest to the fact that there are black boxes being
utilized profitably by some of the worlds largest banks. I know as head of IT at one
of them.
well tell us all about it
I have an open mind, and will consider all things , before I dismiss them .
jhanley said:
And I can personally and directly attest to the fact that there are black boxes being
utilized profitably by some of the worlds largest banks. I know as head of IT at one
of them.

I agree, I've seen such automated trading systems in action myself. They are not available to your average newb for $100 however (or $100k for that matter)
Hi to all,
I am one of the fool who bought his strategy.
The truth is he is using a simulation account.

Not worth it.
Be careful.
Hi everyone,

I'm a starter just learning about trading. I've coming across this website: Daytrading Tips, Strategies and Insider Secrets
and I'm quite interested in buying the program. But I don't really know if this Bill Barrett person is genuine or if he's actually a crook.
Thanks again!

I don't know anything about the guy, but by implying that the guy may be a crook, you are basically telling others what you want to hear and they may as well play along with that.

This is not a good way to ask for advice.