bhc investment Journal

As reported on my web site, I rolled over my position in Soybeans. SN08 closed @ 1581.48. SQ08 opened @ 1579.00. Average cost:

1579.00 - (1581.48 - 1352.833) = 1350.353
As reported on my web site, I roller over my position in Rough Rice. RRN08 closed @ 18.69. RRU08 opened @ 18.458. Average cost:

18.458 + (20.148 - 18.69) = 19.916
The Yen retraced slightly after I sold 50% of my holdings into the strength. Average cost:

0.93 - (0.9503 - 0.93) = 0.9097
July 16 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar fell against the yen on speculation U.S. banks will report further losses this week, eroding confidence in the financial system of the world's largest economy.