Betonmarkets. How much is too much.


I have been trading with Betonmarkets for a couple of months now. Mostly intraday stuff, with a little sprinkling of forex. Most days I come out with a couple of hundred quid and then stop for the day.

This works for me, and I enjoy it. But as a 'regular' winner, I am becoming a little concerned that they might 'withdraw the facility' and leave me back at the mercy of the spreadbetting firms.

Has anyone else been kicked off for persistenmt profits? If so, how much and do you have any advice as how I might avoid it?

Any other 'strategies' with betonmarkets welcome.



Good to see another Leeds lad on the site. Sorry not very constructive I know.
Hi, Cheers, I'm new here. usually hang out over at the Fool, but now I'm trading this seems more suited to me needs. 🙂
No worries welcome. I am sure you will get lots of useful info on here. I am sure someone will answer your query.

Hi Sniper,

I still trade with them occasionally using a method I bought from an affiliate of BOM ( This is also a good method for intraday trades and would be pleased to swap trading stories if you PM me.

No fear of being kicked off for me but still well in front anyway. Only small bets though.
Hi Carnivore,

I've been looking into Digital Options and watched Beton Markets CD. I'm aware that you purchased a manual sometime ago regarding trading Digital Options. Since you bought he publication would you say you have benefited from the contents?
Not asking you to disclose the contents just curious if you managed to make a profit (or otherwise) from the information.

Hiya, Has anyone got any ideas.........I am been trading digital options with betonmarkets, could anyone guide me to any kinda trading strategy which would be useful, I am basically interested in 'intra-day' trades.

tips said:
Hiya, Has anyone got any ideas.........I am been trading digital options with betonmarkets, could anyone guide me to any kinda trading strategy which would be useful, I am basically interested in 'intra-day' trades.


Tips, I only trade currencies on BOM, but the strategies can apply to other markets. Firstly you need to backtest all strategies and they need 52% success rate just to break even. Ideally a system will give results of 60% (which is more difficult than it sounds). Also it is worth knowing when news is coming out and either base your strategy around this, or make sure you positions close before it comes out.

Strategies for trading - Firstly get some intraday charts and just look at what happens during trends, pull backs etc. Get an idea how each currency behaves to certain market condition then you just have to look for opportunities. One strategy that could be tried is to watch for when the market has gone up/down over the last 5 periods (10 min chart) and its Stochastics and RSI are at the extremes, then trade in the opposite direction for 20-30 mins.

I am fairly strict about which timescales I use. Mostly 30 mins, but occasionally 10 min or 40 min.
Hi Adrian, Thankyou for responce..
I am basically using the candle stick patterns for my trading. I trade the strong patterns known as the 'Morning Star' and 'Evening Star' for trend reversal confirmation, also i go with the over-bought and over-sold stochastics signals....but its hard to find these exact patterns as you'd be able get these only once or twice a week, they do work quite well for the intra-day trades though....I was wondering if there were any other additional methods to be followed for daily intraday trades,
Many Thanks for the follow-up Adrian, I will surely try your strategy out.........Cheers.
I think if you are an active trader that takes a lot every week then they will not be too happy, but if you take a lot more in a 'slow way' then they don't notice so much.... 😉
Hi Tips........

believe me I am not in a position to offer advice , but can I suggest Volume as a potential element of any systems you eventually adopt.........checkout :-
anything to do with Equivolume (Richard Arms / TRIM etc etc)

I am currently researching correlations between "Wide/fat" bars/periods (small price spreads across big volume traded) and then corresponding breakouts pref on continued high Volume ....looks promising across most instruments/timeframes !!

Regards & good hunting
does anyone there have good results with markets outlook V6?they claim 99% success;they work with continuation patterns;has anyone used their system..successfully?any thoughts appreciated