Betbrokers Launch Fixed Odds Financial Betting Site

Betbrokers plc, the UK retail and wholesale brokerage and clearing house for the sports betting industry, has announced the launch of a fixed odds financial betting website,

What exactly is the point of a white-label operation? Betbrokers is offering the same bet as Betsfortraders - i.e. FTSE 100 to be above 5963 in 30 days at 52.38 - for 52.79, at time of checking, a 41p premium.

There was a white-label operation of igindex a year or so ago - worldspreads100, I think - which only lasted a few months at most.

If anyone is making money with Betsfortraders, there's no earthly reason why they would switch to Betbrokers. The only people who can confidently make money from them - in the short term at least - has to be Betsfortraders.

Wonder if Betsfortraders is finding profitability elusive, hence the reason for franchising its software?

Yeah worldspreads100 were a white label of binarybet, although (as far as I can remember) their prices were identical to binarybet, i.e. the profit margins may have been good enough to be able to pass some of it onto worldspreads100 (although as you say, only lasted a few months, so maybe not!)
Well the mere fact that it is a white label shouldn't be too much cause for concern:

1) It's common practice for spread betting companies to white label (e.g. Tradefair Spreads is a white label of Capital Spreads)

2) Betfair themselves had at least 2 white label sites (Yahoo Betting and Virgin Bets - granted, these have now been shut down, but no one seemed to be bothered when they existed). Betdaq also used to have at least 1 white label (Channel 4)

3) It's very common practice for bookmakers to white label their service in the UK (e.g. bet24 and several other bookmakers who offer betting services for football teams)

BetsForTraders are probably just looking for alternative ways to boost their income...
Well the mere fact that it is a white label shouldn't be too much cause for concern:

1) It's common practice for spread betting companies to white label (e.g. Tradefair Spreads is a white label of Capital Spreads)

2) Betfair themselves had at least 2 white label sites (Yahoo Betting and Virgin Bets - granted, these have now been shut down, but no one seemed to be bothered when they existed). Betdaq also used to have at least 1 white label (Channel 4)

3) It's very common practice for bookmakers to white label their service in the UK (e.g. bet24 and several other bookmakers who offer betting services for football teams)

BetsForTraders are probably just looking for alternative ways to boost their income...

My understanding of a white-label is when company A licenses company B to use its software for a fee or percentage. Worldspreads100 was a white-label of binarybets but, while binarybets is owned by igindex, worldspreads100 was owned by Worldspreads which was - and, so far as I know, still is - an Irish company which has no business relationship with igindex.

The point about Betbrokers and Betsfortraders is that they seem to be owned by the same company. I can't understand why Betsfortraders would go to the expense of running another site, just to attract the same people who would bet with Betsfortraders.

This is from Betbrokers: is managed by Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. Based in the Isle of Man in the British Isles, the company is fully licensed to offer financial bets by the Isle of Man government. The licence was granted to Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. on the 31st of August 2007.

Well from your quote above, it seems as though BetbrokersBinaries is just operated by BetsForTraders? (whereas BetsForTraders is owned and managed by Trinitas)
Well from your quote above, it seems as though BetbrokersBinaries is just operated by BetsForTraders? (whereas BetsForTraders is owned and managed by Trinitas)

They are both owned by Trinitas. Sorry for any misunderstanding. The same critique applies.
Where does it say that BetbrokesBinaries is actually owned by Trinitas?

Betsfortraders website: is owned and managed by Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. Based in the Isle of Man in the British Isles, the company is fully licensed to offer financial bets by the Isle of Man government. The licence was granted to Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. on the 31st of August 2007.

From Betbrokersbinaries website: is managed by Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. Based in the Isle of Man in the British Isles, the company is fully licensed to offer financial bets by the Isle of Man government. The licence was granted to Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. on the 31st of August 2007.

There is also which seems to run Betbrokersbinaries.

Rather confusing, but both Betsfortraders and Betbrokersbinaries seem to be managed by Trinitas.

I don't understand why a company which wishes to provide financial fixed odds bets would need to weave such a strange web.

Addendum: It would appear that own both betsfortraders and betbrokersbinaries and manage them through Trinitas. Why two similar sites? Don't know. Don't care. I'll stick to IG.

Over and out
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Yeah there's the distinction - BetsForTraders is "owned and managed by Trinitas", whereas BetbrokersBinaries is merely "managed by Trinitas". It seems as though "managed" means "operated by" in this context.
Generally i have reservations concerning the "hight-end" technology they arrogate.
Both, BetsForTraders and BetbrokersBinaries are not really attractive solutions in contrast to IGIndex.

From my point of view it is nothing more then a Platform for Gambler and for betbrokers just a new business line to push their revenues. It is obviously that the Trader has to pay the rent.
White labels inevitably don't work as those that want to are already betting with the parent company and with Betbrokers having a limited number of clients who bet on sports according to their investor relations I don't see where the profitability in this scheme will come from for either party. Publicity stunt maybe???
What is needed really is more independant fixed odds brokers. This means a ) more competition, and b ) spreads effectively become much tigher as bets on the same market with different brokers always differ slightly meaning that you can effectively open a bet with one and close with another assuming of course you are betting on the same expiry price.

I agree stevespray, with B O M taking an end of day price and B 4 T expiring the bet exactly X days after you place it to the second this can prove troublesome.
What is needed really is more independant fixed odds brokers. This means a ) more competition, and b ) spreads effectively become much tigher as bets on the same market with different brokers always differ slightly meaning that you can effectively open a bet with one and close with another assuming of course you are betting on the same expiry price.


I agree, although realistically it's a pretty tough business to get started in, especially competing with the likes of IG and BetOnMarkets who have been tuning their pricing models for several years. Some of the bookmakers have started market making on Betfair/Tradefair, which has helped reduce the spreads on those two exchanges substantially...