Beta testers wanted!


5 people needed to run a new and profitable robot (Expert advisor), and then give their honest testimonial about their experience of using it.

I'm looking for beta-testers for my new robot that's about to be launched. No prior experience with Forex or trading is necessary - newbies and pros alike are welcome.
This is NOT a sales offer or advertisement!

What you will receive:
1. The robot free of charge. It's yours to keep.
2. Any training and educational materials that come with the robot, plus access to members area built for users of this robot, all free.
3. $250 of my money to deposit into a new trading account. In other words, you are not asked in any way to invest anything.

What you'll give in return:
1. Run the robot and track its performance.
2. At the end of the trial period, use your webcam or video camera to record a short, honest video testimonial of your experience of using the robot.
3. Your permission to use your testimonial in the sales presentations for this robot.

That's all – nothing to invest, no money required.
The robot runs 100% automatically so you'll spend little time on it.

Please email: [email protected] and include in your email:
first name, age, country, city, and experience in Forex or trading (if any).

Thank you in advance!
Joseph, I'm a real sucker for following up stuff like this and I expected a sales pitch on the website you 'innocently' include as part of your contact detail.

It's a series of webcam shots of two teenage girls eating biscuits 6 years ago.

I'm really struggling with the meaning of all this but, in any event, you've got yourself an 'interesting' web presence.
I have it on good authority that the positions have been filled.

Unless Joseph comes back with info to the contrary I wouldn't bother emailing them 🙂
That is correct and beta-testing is already on its course with good results so far.
Thanks for all who expressed their interest in becoming beta-testers.
BTW emails are still welcome, as we'll need more beta testers for future robots that are about to be released!