Beta Testers Wanted for New Trading System



Who would like to be a beta tester for a new system where you would get our trading signals for the S&P future by mail?

I am not just looking for freebie hunters but interested people who would provide
real feedback and provide some testimonials before we go live in a couple of weeks.

Our system is generating around 5 to 8 signals per months when it spots a high probability trading opportunity and sends them out by e-mail.

I don't want to mention the name here in the post because then it might be misinterpreted as advertising.

Let me just say this: We have been extremely successful with our signals for more than 1 year now.
On average 8 of 10 trades that our system makes are profitable.
This may sound too good to be true I must admit - but we have a track record of real trading with our system
for more than 1 year now - not just back testing but real live trading of our signals. We will provide the full track record to anyone who is interested.

When we finally make available our system to the public in a couple of weeks we want to make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is receiving our signals be mail on time. And of course we need some testimonials
to put on our sales page.

Again, I am not advertising anything here - I am simply looking for some volunteers.

So if you are interested you can sign up here:

Yes, you can download it here:
Future Triggers - Track Record

See page 3 of the PDF for the trades.

The track record shows our trades on the European market - mainly DAX and ESX.
These were the signals that our European subscribers have been getting.
We have now ported our algorithm to generate the same type of signals on the S&P future.
This is why we want a small group of interested testers.

Hi again,

I would like to say thank you to everyone who started participating in the Beta Program.

It has been a big success so far.
As you could see we managed to get a whopping 20.5 point profit in the S&P future on the very first trade during the beta phase. And our indicators show that more of that is likely to come soon.

To all of you who helped us out during this pre-launch phase and provided valuable feedback: We won't forget you when we finally launch the full product🙂
