Beta Testers Needed


Price Master Pro development team is looking for qualified beta testers to test drive the indicator before launch. This task should not be taken lightly since there will be reporting requirements & conditions associated with it as described below. Only a few qualified applicants will participate in this Beta testing phase.

Number of Beta testers needed: 377 participants

Reporting period: Up to 8 weeks

Beta testers should have the following qualifications at a minimum:

1. Strong interest in Fibonacci projection methodology.
2. Basic understanding of Fibonacci price projections (retracements, extensions, expansions and alternates).
3. An active participant at online trading forums (example, Trade2Win)
4. Must have at least 55 posts demonstrating active and meaningful participation among the forum's community (references required).
5. Of excellent observation skills.
6. Of excellent communication skills.
7. Of good character
8. Communicates well in English Language.

Reporting requirements:

1. Report any anomalies or "bugs" observed during use
2. Report any error messages
3. Report should include:

* The type of anomaly/"bug" observed
* The date and time of observation
* A screen-shot of how the "bug" is manifested on the chart (if applicable/possible)
* Supporting log file (if applicable)

Reporting Schedule: bi-Weekly (Friday of every other week)

New Indicator Build Release Cycle: 2 weeks

Exit requirements: A close-out report outlining the testers experience with the indicator and their over-all assessment of its readiness for release. This report will be due on the Friday of the last week of testing.


For your time and participation you will be offered

1. 21% discount on the cost of the service when it is launched
2. Opportunity to provide video/audio/text testimonials that will be featured on the home page

Sign up Instructions: On or after 10-10-2010 head on to our website and click on the Beta Test link to sign up

Qualified applicants will be approached individually.

Thank you for your interest in Price Master Pro

Pip_Master (Pip)

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Hello everyone,

One week left before the start of the beta test. If you have been thinking about trying the indicator out but wasn't sure, now is the time to make that decision. Signing up is free.

Price Master Pro is the premier Fibonacci support and resistance tool for the MT4 platform. If you use Fibonacci S/R in your trading, you owe it to yourself to participate.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for those who had responded to the beta test request and signed up for the beta program. The program is now full and the testing is well on its way. The response has been overwhelming and I thank you again for your interest and your faith in the indicator.

If you are interested in being part of the pre-launch community please visit the website outlined in my signature below. As a member of the pre-launch community you are entitled to an unadvertised discount on the service when it launches.
