Fantasy Land

Are you living in fantasy land? If you decide to become a doctor today, do you expect to be one next month? No, I didn’t think so, it will take you more then 6 years to study and then you need to practice. Same thing with most other businesses, most new businesses don’t make money for the first 3-4 years not to mention how much capital is required.
So please don’t expect to be a successful trader in a month or even a year, take as long as you need to, everybody is different as there are any number of factors like: capital, time, information source, amount of experience and speed of learning.
Trading is said to be the hardest easy money out there.

Trading is the only business that you can start with minimal starting capital of $ 25K (that is liquid almost always) or even less with the right broker, and have a almost unlimited income potential.
Risk is very well defined because its up to you when to buy or sell while sitting in front of the computer trading. When you’re not trading you are not risking anything.
With a $ 50K account and making 1 % consistently each day you compound $500K a year or with 2 % a day compounded make $ 5 million a year.
Trading is a business you can run from anywhere in the world, you are free when you want to trade and take long vacations without leaving any responsibilities behind.
It is one of the few businesses where both the selling and buying party are happy after a transaction because the price is set and you know what you get.

About, the chat room is for traders and newbie traders alike. The chat room calls are extremely accurate and there are plenty of them but it will not be easy money though. You need to develop trading skills, that is to apply your learned system, keep your emotions under control and paper trade until you are successful. If you can't make money here then you will not anywhere in my opinion because the calls are perfect.

I am a member of the day trading chat room and have learned a lot in there, but the guys have only so much time to waste chatting to newbie’s so its safe to say that it is definitely not the best way to learn how to trade, although it is possible. I suggest to get professional education in any way possible, offers a line of videos that are all you need to start. they are the best out there that I have seen.

I have been weeding trough advisory websites, education services, forums, chat rooms all over the web for more then a year to find the holy grail and have learned a lot but did not get any closer to making any money until I found

My point is that if you want to make money there is always a way so if you think that trading is the way to make that money go for it but go for it 200 %. If you doubt that trading might not be for you, join the chat room or ask any successful trader what its like to be a successful trader. Figure out what you want, set your goals and have fun!

PS. Forums for the most part only contain unsuccessful traders complaining abbout stuff that doesn’t work for them, don’t ask them if trading is a good profession. Ask successful traders, you can find those where successful people hang out. (they are not wasting their time complaining in forums) I hope that the time I wasted writing this will make you consider not wasting any more of your time looking for answers in the wrong places.
Fibvortex Forex

roberk said:
While you're here, I've got some comments and questions after visiting your site.
1. Where is the performace page with your list of entries and exits.
2. How many live calls do you make a day (with exits on the same day)?
3. What is your trading income for the past year or two?

I have to say that your vortex looks like a gimmick that would confuse more than help, how can it be an improvement over usual forex?

Fibvortex is a consistently profitable trading system with low risk parameters. If you are an active participant in our Live "GoToMeeting" Room, you will have the ability to see this amazing indicator in real-time, interact with other members, or just watch and paper trade along with our calls. In order to receive our benefits we offer a free one week trial, where you can view our "Live" Technical Analysis throughout the day. Members can access and participate in our LIVE forex Trading Room.

The charts you will see are unlike anything you have seen in the past and our system is relatively easy to learn.

Our Performance Page with our list of entries and exits can be viewed Daily by non-members- just click on our Today's Trades Tab. You can also view our Previous Month's Results (which includes a years worth of data) by going to the Previous Month's Tab.

We make approxiimately 8 Live Calls per day (including exits on the same day)

I hope this has answered all of your questions and you will now have a better understanding of Fibvortex.
Shogun's Swing-Strategy System

Has anyone tried Shogun Trading's Swing-Strategy system?
If so, what's your opinion of the service?
Did you try his calls on the equities or options?
Thanks, in advance.
did you read this entire thread? I think you can answer that question for yourself if you did
Arbitrageur said:
did you read this entire thread? I think you can answer that question for yourself if you did

Actually, I did - and the thread really isn't very informative. It does address his day trading service, although swing trading is a whole different animal. Yes, he does post his entries in the Swing service, also, but he also posts exits at 33% of potential profits for the trade. Therefore, he is not just choosing exit points, in hind-site, like suggested. Perhaps, posting the 33% of potential profits is a recent development, one that some are not aware of . . . He also posts his losses, which are quite a few, but overall, he appears to be profitable MOST months. My question was posed only to those who have actually tried his service, not to those who are suggestively summarising his profit strategy. Thank you.
yeah - but his day trading service *only* posted 20% of potential profits for the trade. Shay seems to have upped the performance of his "exit strategy" if he's now gunning for 33% on swing.

this is exactly what he got raped for over on ET.

With hindsight, it is very easy to pick a random entry, wait for a move and then say "oh look, even if we only took 33% of the potential profits from the entry signal, we'd have made an abso-frigging-lute bundle of cash"

i wish it were so easy to take 33% from the resulting profit potential of any move in the market. I would chop my c0ck off and sell my gran for such an exit strategy. honest.

Pick an entry, any entry - throw a dart, chuck a dice... if the market goes just 3 ticks in your favour before bombing, Shay would post a profit for that trade, based on 33% of potential profit exit criteria.

Ask for realtime exits only - anything else is snake oil. hindsight is an exact science. Caveat Emptor. have a new service (DAY-INTERMEDIATE)

Some notes about daytrading in general.
q) why if signals are so good, they do not trade their own money...?
the chat room bussines is not to make money trading. The bussines is giving (selling) real time signals following a set of rules (some can be 100% mechanical & mathematical models, other rules can be human assisted like following news, and anything else). It is client responsability use those signals using he/she own method and strategy. The operator (worker) who give signals do not have any capital to move (it is the best way, remove any emotion) so the only job for him if give the signal following the fixed rules and do it well (not for getting money trading, but for getting a salary givin signals)
q2) can i trust in the past perfomance post ...?
Many chatrooms post real data in the perfomance that you can trust. What you should not trust is the statistic they use to calculate perfomance. You should do your own homework to do it and get a virtual perfomance closer to your way of trading.

to evaluate a day service, you should take sometime everyday and download past trades, and goint to yahoo charts an backtest it using your method, i had done it and give a closer to true statistic.
another way is to use the trial or sacrify some $ for 1 month, also you must use a real time virtual trading account and be discipline to be as close as real life. This way you can get a trusted statistic about how good could function your method using their signals. (remember always, who is trading is you, they only give signals and you pay then for signals, not for trades)

I have tested stock room, i found there were so many signals thta it was not so easy to drive (for me), then i tested for 5 weeks their forex room (i used a real time real $ account (oanda becuase they allow trade as narrow as 1 dollar and i was risking just a few amount in my test), i can tell, at least using forex signal with proper method and risk managing could make you money consistently/monthly in the long run, of course, not so much as they advertise in their past perfomance statistics.

soon i will test shoguntrading, now that they have a cheaper service, and will post my test.