Hi Pat,
Sticking up for the underdog - good man! Thanks to you, radha55's second leg is still the right side of the spam threshold! Just. (Perhaps he'll give you a discount!) Even so, I think the points in mine and dealer911 posts are still valid. My maths isn't great, but this is what I've calculated based on this one trade (pretty meaningless, I know, but . . .)
Target: 18
Stop Loss: 34
Profit : Loss ratio: 1 : 1.8
Target: 18
Stop Loss: 54
Profit : Loss ratio: 1 : 3
The average Profit : Loss ratio over the two possible outcomes is: 1 : 2.4 (rounded up to 2.5 for comm's and slippage!)
So, if the losing trades lose 2.5 times more than the winning trades gain, by my calculation, the strategy will need a Win : Loss ratio of 2.6 : 1 just to break even. That's equal to 72% winners. To make money consistently over time, the system will need a strike rate of 80% or better. Granted, it's been 100% successful so far, but that's unsustainable and, as I suggested in an earlier post, there's a nasty whiff of Spanish style stops in the air which makes me queasy. Fair play to you though for being devil's advocate and, as a consequence, I'll keep my mind open a little longer than I would have otherwise!
I agree your figures Tim. The point I should have made was the site is free and just maybe worthwhile too. It needs someone to painstakingly go back over past figures eg 6 months plus, any takers ?
I agree your figures Tim. The point I should have made was the site is free and just maybe worthwhile too. It needs someone to painstakingly go back over past figures eg 6 months plus, any takers ?
I'll have a look...:smart:
Hi Radha,
Can you share the best way to use that site?
I mean when we put in the required high low data, the software displays both "Buy" and "Sell" order. So which one do we follow? Do we buy or sell? Can you please explain this to me?
Thanks, and sorry for this simple question, I am a newbie!
Hi Vipul,
You need to place two stoploss orders.
One for buy and the other for Sell.
So my 1st order goes this way
1st : Stoploss Buy SBIN at 2310
2nd : Stoploss Sell SBIN at 2257
When any price is crossed u get into the trade.
Then you can place the corresponding square off order.