Best prop houses in london?


Hi there,

I've been looking into opportunities for prop houses/trading opportunities in london (not banks)

A bit about my background, i got a degree in maths and i'm studying a quantitatively heavy masters focused on financial applications


So far these are the places i've applied to and what i've heard about them

STA - churn and burn? Everything i've heard about them is really negative but they give everyone a shot

Futex - 500 quid a month remuneration for the first few months, work in woking (hmm), heard good things from the inside

Amplify - ???

Marex - Heard good things, they don't take people regularly though - don't think they are taking atm

Liquid capital - they pay a salary, different from the prop houses listed above

Mako global - options (my course and background knowledge might actually be useful here) - also pays a competitive salary?

optiva - location - not london
tibra - location - not london

savi - ??????

jane street - plenty of info out there, apparently the craziest interviews in the world


Would be incredibly appreciative anybody's input - seems to be a lot of knowledgeable people here - your opinions are worth gold to me!
Futex have an office in London. They also hold open days every fortnight so you can just register on their website and check out their offices beforehand if you want. I dont work for Futex but Im thinking about applying there.
Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but did you have an luck applying at these places? Can you share any experiences you had (if any) with me. I am looking into a career in trading but having studied business at uni feel like i may have a hard time being taken on.
SlowlyButSurely, what degree you did has no real bearing on how well you will do at a prop firm. There are far more important character traits. It is hard to get a foot in the door though, if you want to PM a copy of your CV i could look to see if there are any areas you could improve/expand on/get rid of. It may be that you have a great CV and competition is just too strong at the moment, but if i can help i will.