Best place to find information and talk with other traders


Junior member
I have seen plenty of places on the internet but i am afraid of some of the so called pump and dump sites. Does anyone know the best place out there to get some good information and talk with other traders?
I have seen plenty of places on the internet but i am afraid of some of the so called pump and dump sites. Does anyone know the best place out there to get some good information and talk with other traders?
I think what you want is a trading forum.
I have seen plenty of places on the internet but i am afraid of some of the so called pump and dump sites. Does anyone know the best place out there to get some good information and talk with other traders?

I think this is the best forum.. you can talk to me on my home page from time to time if it helps..but i've found this site here to be the best source of info/advice etc.
traderslaboratory is about the closest thing you'll find.

I read a thread on automated trading , later felt like one of the morons after reading the amateurs giving opinions.

There are a load of mr novices giving info.
I didnt say he'd find anything of value, I said it was the closest thing he'll find to what he's looking for.
Does anyone know the best place out there to get some good information and talk with other traders?

Nope, not seen one of those on my travels, if you find one could you let us all on the T2W forums know? Ta..😀
Nope, not seen one of those on my travels, if you find one could you let us all on the T2W forums know? Ta..😀

I suspect that most trading sites would not be too keen on attracting the average T2W member.
I suspect that most trading sites would not be too keen on attracting the average T2W member.

IMO most attract the same 'quality' of posters. The breakdown is spookily the same with the exception of the 2-3 forex only forums I know of, which have a disproportionate amount of grail chasers...