Best Markets for DayTrade



First post at T2W and I hope to share ideas with the members of this forum.
I would like to starting getting opinions/suggestions about good future markets for daytrades in terms of liquidity and volatility.

I usually track future contracts on NQ,ES,QM,YG,6E,6J on my day trades.
Any other suggestions of high liquidity future contracts to trade?

First post at T2W and I hope to share ideas with the members of this forum.
I would like to starting getting opinions/suggestions about good future markets for daytrades in terms of liquidity and volatility.

I usually track future contracts on NQ,ES,QM,YG,6E,6J on my day trades.
Any other suggestions of high liquidity future contracts to trade?

there are many future contracts for day trading like NG, CL, 6A, 6B, 6C, GC, DAX etc.
dbox, do you guys support people running Macs ?

And if yes, do you have account insurance like IB ?

Heard some good stuff about your executions, commissions etc.
Hello BSD,

We do offer QST for Mac users. Great platform...

There is no such thing as insurance on a Futures account. Are you sure IB insures your Futures account?

If you'd like to demo the platform please let me know.

Best regards,
Hi Dale,

thanks for your quick answer, you get full marks on support already. 🙂

Re account insurance, technically you're right, but the way IB overcome that is by doing a daily sweep of excess funds from your futures account to your securities account so that any funds that are not being used as margin for futures transactions get SIPC and private insurance account protection.

That's a pretty important point to me to be honest.

Alternatively, would you allow my excess cash to purchase U.S. T-Bills, which most FCM's will let you use 90% of as collateral for margin ?

Again, pretty important issue to me.

But great news RE Macs, will definitely want to demo that, altho not right now, probably next week.

Will contact you.

Thank you sir.

We would definitely allow you to purchase TBILLS and we do use the 90% rule.

Best regards,
Dale, sounding better and better !!!

Will definitely demo you !

Take care